Seal of the King

Seal of the King by Ralph Smith Page A

Book: Seal of the King by Ralph Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ralph Smith
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At the mention of his mother, he felt a pang of pain. Molly went on “And possibly more importantly, you are faithful, and have a pure heart. Do you remember what it says in Isaiah? There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots. And the Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom, and understanding, the spirit of counsel, and might, the spirit of knowledge, and the fear of the LORD.”
    “It tells us, in addition to the coming of Jesus that, in times of great need, the house of David will rise-up to lead.” She added.
    David looked down his face a little flushed , and said in a low voice, “I don’t think I’m that special.”
    Molly clicked her tongue “Your humility is a lovely quality, but we don’t have time to debate the facts right now. There is one more thing I want you to consider.” David looked up at her again. “Do you remember what the stumbling block was for the Jews? Why they would not accept Jesus as the true Messiah?”
    David nodded , and answered “Yes, it was because they thought the Messiah would be a king, who would lead them in the battle to vanquish their enemies, and restore the glory of the house of David.” He stopped abruptly at his own words.
    Molly went on “As I said prophecy is a tricky matter and is often misinterpreted. Men typically think in worldly terms, and how prophecy applies to them, not necessarily the larger struggle between good and evil, dark and light. That is why this prophecy was not written down, but carried through the ages until it would come to pass. This prophecy speaks of both worlds, not just this one, so only those who know of their existence can understand what it means.”
    “What does the prophecy say?”
    Molly closed her eyes with a look of reading something that wasn’t there, and said, “When the hour of darkness is at hand, a son of David will be anointed to lead his people, and he will find favor with the Lord. A child of equal measure from the house of Roktah will rise-up to awaken the Lion, and together they will face the Evil One. They will be bound at birth by our Father, separated until the time of fulfillment when they will unite in his cause.” Molly opened her eyes, “You child are from the house of Roktah.” She said looking at Aurora.
    Aurora blinked, “Yes , but there’s something I must show you.” She stood, and hurried from the room. The three of them shared a questioning look. In mere moments, she returned. The small box tied with a string in her hand. She held it out and said, “I was on a mission, to bring this back to our council.” She carefully opened the box and pulled out an aged piece of parchment. “The prophecy WAS written down.” Unrolling it, she took a nervous breath, and swallowed before she read it to them. “When the hour of darkness is at hand, a son of David will be anointed to lead his people, and he will find favor with the Lord. A child of equal measure from the house of Roktah will rise-up to awaken the Lion, and together they will face the Evil One. They will be bound at birth by our Father, separated until the time of fulfillment when they will unite in his cause.” She paused, and said, “But there’s more. Together they will face the evil one, and through their sacrifice both houses can be saved.”
    She rolled up the parchment , and they sat in silence for a moment, then David spoke. “This is all too much. Just yesterday I was a simple farmer, and today you are telling me I’m supposed to face the evil one? You know I love you both with all my heart, and I would do anything for you, I just don’t know what to think, I…”
    "Son," Gabe said gently placing a hand on his arm “I know this is all difficult to accept, and I had always planned on telling you long before now. I had always hoped to give you time to prepare, but as you know we were denied that opportunity. Now you need to know what we’re up against. The night

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