Scars (Marked #2.5)

Scars (Marked #2.5) by Lynch Marti, Elena M. Reyes

Book: Scars (Marked #2.5) by Lynch Marti, Elena M. Reyes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynch Marti, Elena M. Reyes
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    He wanted a one-on-one fight.
    Our middle was this bat, and I wasn’t happy about it. Unfortunately, if I wanted his help, I had to acquiesce to his one demand. Or in this case, I made him think so. The gun inside my purse was hidden under my wallet and change of clothes. It held two bullets within, each with one of their names on it.
    “Look, Janice, I was there when they cancelled our afternoon outing. Nothing will change; all we can do is sit back and wait. Trust me, she should be out soon.”
    “Good. How did you get out, by the way?”
    He shrugged and reached over for his docked iPod. “Told them I had a doctor’s appointment.” Brian flipped his player on and looked through his music, searching for something it seemed in particular.
    “What are you looking for?”
    “Something to set the mood,” he answered with an unsure smile. Brian was becoming nervous; I needed to keep a better eye on him. Who looked for music to set the mood? And they thought I was mental.
    The song that filled the inside of his car seconds after was an excellent choice. Loved that song. It was the perfect anthem for my revenge. Hard rock blared through his car’s speakers; I bopped my head along to its harsh riffs. The song was familiar to me; I imagined these same lyrics running rampant through my mind as I finished her off.
    “Perfection.” A giddy giggle broke free, and Brian looked over at me with concern in his eyes. Was he seeing the real me? Seeing the anger and hate? That evil that everyone had and hid, but very few let manifest?
    I hoped so. Hoped he recognized that this would never end well for her or him.
    “What?” Asking someone a question while trying to control your laughter was a difficult feat, but I tried nonetheless. “Quit looking at me like that?”
    “It’s a bit scary to see how happy this all makes you, Janice. She would die if I wasn’t here.” This time I didn’t hide behind my concern for him, nor did I want to be nice. Faking niceties was a bore to be honest.
    Turning to face him, I gripped the bat with one hand just in case. “You’re what’s keeping her alive, Brian. Don’t push me; trust me when I say that you won’t like the outcome if you continue to do so.” Leaning over in my seat, I grabbed the device from its docked station, hit the arrow back button, and waited for my song to play.
    It played, and I thrummed my fingers against the door panel. Nothing could be heard inside the cab of the car, just the lead singer’s voice belting out the lyrics and my following hum of approval.
    Then it ended and that wouldn’t do, so I hit repeat, placed it back in its place, and leaned back in my seat.
    Mouthing the lyrics and body throbbing with excitement was how I sat until we spotted her coming our way. He sat there, not moving and breathing hard. What the fuck?
    “Get out there and stop her, dammit! She can’t get into her car,” I argued with a stoic, wide-eyed Brian. “If you don’t get out of this car and stop her, I will hurt you…don’t make me.”
    “This is wrong, Janice. Fuck…” He pulled at his hair and let out a frustrated scream. “I can’t.” This bitch squeaked, body trembling while he pleaded with me to stop this madness. Fuck him. Brian shook in his seat, hand trembling as he turned the key in his ignition.
    No, I wouldn’t let him ruin this for me.
    Without thinking, I grabbed the baseball bat, brought it up, and jammed the round tip at the very top into his face. Howls of pain erupted inside the car’s cab, and blood gushed down his face. I’d broken his nose if the sick crack I heard was any indication.
    It wasn’t enough, so I hit him repeatedly, his body slumping down a bit, and it was my time to escape. I’d be back for him later, but first I needed to take care of her.
    I was lucky that she never heard him.
    Quietly, I walked around a pillar and behind Maya’s car. Then waited. She was a few feet from me now and on her phone; unaware of the

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