Scars (Marked #2.5)

Scars (Marked #2.5) by Lynch Marti, Elena M. Reyes Page A

Book: Scars (Marked #2.5) by Lynch Marti, Elena M. Reyes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynch Marti, Elena M. Reyes
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dangers that lurked. Oblivious to me.
    “I’m heading over there now…yeah, he’s waiting,” the cunt spoke while reaching into her purse for what I assumed were her keys. Once in hand, she leaned against the door and continued talking. “He’s picking up our food and meeting me at home.”
    Home. Bitch, that was mine before you wrecked my life and his.
    My hands became clammy, and the bat almost slipped through my fingers. I literally vibrated with excitement as I came around the back and drew the bat up and in the air.
    Maya turned around then and put her key into the door’s lock, turned the key, and opened her door. The lights blinked, and she bent a little to put her school bag in, but she never made it in before the bat came down and across the back of her head. The woman never saw me coming, and I rejoiced in the moment.
    This was it. My motherfucking revenge.
    Her screams of agony were music to my fucking ears. Reveled in them and wanted to hear them again.
    Maya clutched her head. “Oh God,” she cried out in pain while her livelihood poured out in rivulets of red. Her fingers were drenched in the crimson wetness—it was a beautiful sight. So I hit her again.
    “What’s wrong, sweetheart? Does it hurt?” The pain she felt was nothing compared to the one she’d caused Talan and me.
    “Janice,” she gasped and turned her head my way. The moment our eyes connected, I hit her again in the side of her head. Right at the temple where I thought I could do the most damage. As the bat connected, her eyes widened in fear and then rolled back into her head. She slumped over and stayed there.
    I felt the wetness in my hands and dropped the bat.
    Suddenly, my head felt as if would explode. I clutched at my head with my wet hands. Why were my hands wet? It wasn’t raining outside; the sky was as clear as could be.
    More screaming then. Who was screaming? And more importantly, why was I in a parking lot?
    “Shit,” I cried out and doubled over in pain. Fuck, the noise was too much, and all I wanted was for it to stop. It hurt, but how did I make it stop?
    A male voice called out my name then and I tried to turn my body, but I was frozen in that spot. Closer now, they yelled again and grabbed onto my waist, pulling me against an unfamiliar chest.
    I didn’t like this and fought this stranger’s hold. Why was I being detained?
    No, not again. They couldn’t take me again.
    The noise level rose, and I lashed out.
    “Calm the fuck down, Janice…I don’t have time for this shit! Look at what you did…Oh God, you killed her.” The voice obviously knew me, but what he spoke of, I didn’t understand. Killed? Why would I kill anyone?
    “Get off me!” The shrill in my own voice made me pause, scared me. Panic, I was panicking.” Let go.”
    “Look at what you did.” A hand appeared before my line of sight; it grabbed my chin and turned my head. There on the floor lay a woman who looked familiar to me. Blood pooled around her head, eyes closed, and barely breathing, she looked at peace.
    “What happened to her? Should we call for help?”
    “Janice…” the man trailed off, and I turned my face to look over at my companion. He too was bloodied. “Brian, were you attacked?”
    “Fucking insane,” he muttered under his breath before releasing his hold on me and taking a step back. “Stay here while I call for help.”
    “Okay.” Eyes wandering, I looked around the scene, trying to make some sense of it all. That’s when I saw it, the blood-coated bat on the ground a few feet from me. Oh God. Fuck. “I did this.”
    “Quiet while I call.”
    “I did this,” I repeated again. It was that horrifying realization that threw my already emotional state into a spin. Things began to make sense. Talan. He…he… “What have I done,” I wailed, sobbed, as reality crashed down and I broke. Falling to the ground, I cried for everything I’d lost and the damage I’d done. There

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