Scarlet Kisses

Scarlet Kisses by Tish Westwood

Book: Scarlet Kisses by Tish Westwood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tish Westwood
marry them?”
    Alyssum didn’t answer, just chopped a flower harshly. “So this Scarlet woman…”
    Robert exhaled.
    “Do you love her?” Alyssum paused and faced him, waiting for his answer.
    Robert shook his head. “I don’t know her.”
    “But you’re spending all your time looking for her.”
    “No, I’m not. When I have a spare minute I’ll ask a question or two. I’m curious like all the others,” he lied.
    “What happens when you find her?”
    “I don’t know.” He laughed.
    “Well, what would you say?”
    “I guess, hello.”
    “Hello?” she repeated. “You would just say hello? After searching all that time that’s all you would say?”
    Alyssum made a noise of distaste and began hacking the daisies, not even caring if the ones she cut were dead or alive.
    “I don’t know what the daisies did, but I’m sure they’re very sorry they upset you.”
    Alyssum clenched her jaw. Grabbing another stem, she held her scissors clenched tight in her hand and snipped.
    Robert must have seen her flinch and heard her quiet squeak. The scissors dropped onto the grass and Alyssum turned away, holding her hand.
    “Let me see,” Robert ordered and leaned over to try and grab her injured hand.
    “It’s nothing,” she said tightly.
    “Then show me.”
    Alyssum moved to get up but Robert grabbed her ankle through her skirts and pulled her sharply towards him. She gasped as she slid over the grass and stopped right before him. He let go of her ankle and grabbed her injured hand. She fought to get her hand back but he pulled the working glove from her fingers.
    She stopped fighting once they both saw the blood. Raising her hand, Robert looked at her sliced index finger. He winced as her blood ran down her hand and dripped onto the grass.
    “Does it hurt?” he asked when she didn’t complain.
    Alyssum shook her head quickly with a pained expression.
    Robert laughed softly. “Liar.” He moved closer to stare at the cut. “It’s deep,” he muttered. “You should call the doctor.”
    “I’m not going to call the doctor over a cut.”
    Robert stared at her blood running over her wrist then looked up to her. He arched his brow.
    “I’m fine,” she snapped and tugged on her hand but Robert didn’t release her. He reached into his pocket and took out his handkerchief. Alyssum hissed against the pain as he wound the soft piece of cloth around her finger.
    While holding her hand, he raised his other to tuck the same loose curl behind her ear again. Alyssum looked up with gasp as he touched her. A crease furrowed her brow as she stared at him. It was then she realized how close they were sitting together.
    Her lips parted, her breath panting lightly she watched frozen as Robert reached up again and stroked her cheek with his thumb.
    He looked into her wide green eyes and smiled at her shocked expression.
    “Ahem,” an amused voice reached them.
    Alyssum shoved Robert’s chest and pushed him back onto the grass. She stood fast and turned towards the voice. She sighed as she saw it was only Lilly smiling broadly.
    “I didn’t mean to interrupt,” Lilly said sweetly with her hands behind her white skirts.
    “Of course you didn’t,” Robert muttered as he pulled himself up and stood. He looked over to Alyssum and rubbed his chest where she had shoved.
    Lilly chuckled quietly but then stopped and gasped as she saw Alyssum’s hand bleeding. “What happened?” She raced forward to grip Alyssum’s hand and inspect it.
    “I nicked my finger with the scissors.”
    “Nicked,” Robert scoffed. “She sliced her finger. Make sure she calls the doctor.”
    Lilly unwound the handkerchief gently then gasped again as she saw the cut. “Alyssum, this is really deep.”
    “I’m fine,” Alyssum snapped and took her hand back. She wound the handkerchief tightly and winced. Blood now seeped through the cloth. She stared at her blood as it came through the material and dripped down onto the

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