Reality Hero

Reality Hero by Ashlynn Monroe

Book: Reality Hero by Ashlynn Monroe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashlynn Monroe
could annoy you and make sure you were keeping your end of our bargain.”
    Dina tried to keep the gloomy look on her face, but she couldn’t stop a laugh from bubbling up and out of her.
    “Do you mean that in the five minutes of spare time you have between crime fighting and the day job, you went to an obscure, recreational equipment rental company and broke into this RV just to make sure that you could pop in whenever you liked? You really need a hobby. Okay, you’re here, so what’s up?”
    Zane sat down next to her. He put his arm around her shoulders, and she couldn’t deny how natural it felt to snuggle into the warmth of his massive, hard body.
    She liked the sensation too much, so she scooted away. He frowned. Dina focused on the carpet, unwilling to face his disappointment. His lack of disguise annoyed her. She needed to protect his secret to protect him. She couldn’t ruin his life. He was risking so much for her, but she couldn’t help him if he wasn’t willing to guard his anonymity. If anyone had been with her when he popped in this could have been a disaster.
    He chuckled. Sexy. She shivered, and felt her body react to his nearness. Dina glanced at his face and immediately regretted looking at him and seeing the desire in his eyes. The smoky look sent a sharp stab of awareness through her. She tried to back away farther, but she couldn’t get very far away in the small space.
    “I don’t bite. Why does it have to be like this? Holding you felt wonderful. I’m here because I wanted to make sure you were okay. You look worn out. If you don’t get some rest, I’ll back out of this thing.”
    “I’m fine, Zane. I just got up too early. It’ll only be a few weeks, and then I can get all the rest I want. Are you sure you’re not just here to check out your potential lovers?” Dina needed to put him on the defense. His game was so good. Zane made her forget how important it was for her to keep her distance. She loved him too much to give into her long-suppressed need.
    He didn’t smile at her teasing. Darkness clouded his eyes and his rugged face was drawn. He reached out and took a strand of her hair between his fingers, rubbing it. “I miss your natural color,” he murmured.
    She gasped as he yanked her close. His muscular body pressed against her. She couldn’t stop herself from closing her eyes and wrapping her arms around his neck as his lips touched hers. She moaned. His tongue slid between her lips and she felt it toy with hers. When he pulled his mouth away she blinked up into his face as she came back to reality.
    “You know how I feel about you. You can give me away to every woman on the planet, and I’d always come back for you. Why are you fighting it? How can you accept this strangeness between us? There was a time we could tell each other everything. It was as natural as breathing to hold each other. I just wish you could forgive me for not being as strong as you were. They changed me. I never wanted this. I only wanted you.”
    His words made her heart ache. She drew in a small, shaky breath. “Zane, I need to rest. I think it’d be a good idea for you to go. I’ll see you here tomorrow at nine, okay?” She couldn’t look him in the eyes. Oh God, stay with me. Touch me. Don’t ever leave me again. Fuck me until I can’t walk, but don’t leave me. She wanted to shout the words at him. Instead, she bit her lip to keep them to herself. Thank God he can’t read minds, only control them. Zane could force her. He could keep her mind prisoner, but he’d never used his abilities on her, not once.
    He stood, crossing his arms over his chest before poofing away without a single word. She closed her eyes, shaking. If loving her wasn’t a danger to him, she’d claim him as hers. Dina hated to hurt him, but it would hurt him more if she got him killed. Her love would only be a noose forever dangling just above him to use against him. Why couldn’t he see it? Why wouldn’t he

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