Saxon's Lady

Saxon's Lady by Stephanie Janes

Book: Saxon's Lady by Stephanie Janes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Janes
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"But things change."
    "I know the feeling. I had a few plans myself when I left town a year ago." Devon had the distinct impression she was going to like Rita Dennison.
    The conversation in the aisle went on for another fifteen minutes before Rita said impulsively, "Listen, Sam and I are having a big barbecue on Sunday to celebrate finishing our new house. We invited Garth last week, but he said he couldn't make it. Said he already had plans for this weekend. Any chance you could change his mind?"
    Devon smiled slowly. "As it happens, I know for a fact that Garth's plans for this weekend have changed drastically. We'll be glad to come to your barbecue."
    "Great. Bring anyone else you'd like along. It's going to be my first major party and I'm terrified that no one will show."
    Devon thought of Ryan. "Okay, I'll see if I can drum up some business. We'll see you Sunday afternoon, Rita."
    "I'm delighted. I'm glad to find someone else my own age living nearby."
    Devon laughed and started down the aisle with a pleased feeling. She wondered what Garth would say when she told him she'd accepted an invitation on his behalf.
    As it turned out Garth was more alarmed by the absence of Bev Middleton that evening than he was by the information that Devon had planned to attend the party. He paced into the kitchen after washing up for dinner and glared at Devon.
    "Where's Bev?"
    "Having dinner with her sister. Afterward they're both going to a movie. Go on into the living room, Garth, we're going to have some wine before dinner."
    Ryan appeared in the doorway. "Now that sounds like an absolutely brilliant suggestion. I'll pour."
    Garth ignored the byplay. "Bev is supposed to be here every night."
    "She'll be back in plenty of time to save your reputation, Garth," Devon assured him. "Calm down and go into the living room. I'll be in as soon as I put the rice on to cook."
    "Damn it, it's not my reputation I'm worried about, Devon. I don't want people talking about you."
    He was interrupted by Ryan, who was inhaling with great pleasure. "Smells good," Ryan observed, examining the label on the bottle of white wine he'd found in the refrigerator. "What's for dinner?"
    "Chicken curry with all the condiments. I actually found a bottle of chutney in the new supermarket."
    "Ah, civilization strikes Hawk Springs at last." Ryan deftly removed the cork from the bottle and picked up three glasses. "Garth, you've never had it so good . Let's go work up an appetite in the appropriate manner."
    Garth cast an odd look at Devon but finally turned to follow his brother into the living room. Devon went after them as soon as she'd turned down the heat on the rice. She found both men waiting for her, their glasses filled. She sank down onto the old sofa and lifted her glass.
    Casually she told Garth and Ryan about the invitation to the Dennisons '. Garth thought about it, shrugged and finally nodded. He sipped his wine as Devon went on to tell Ryan he was invited also.
    "If I'm still here, I'll go with you," Ryan agreed. "My plans aren't settled yet." He glanced at Garth who ignored him.
    For a moment Devon was afraid Ryan might ruin the beginning of the evening by bringing up the subject of his business plans, but he refrained. Gratefully she guided the conversation into less threatening channels. Garth needed this little evening ritual to unwind after a hard day's work, she told herself. She wanted to avoid controversial topics.
    By the time dinner was served Garth was looking more relaxed than he had all day. He sat down to the chicken curry with a dubious expression, but it wasn't long before he was asking for seconds.
    The evening passed without incident. Ryan read the evening paper and watched television while Garth clobbered Devon three times in a row over a checkerboard. Apparently vastly satisfied with his victories, he then announced he was going to do some work in his study. He disappeared, leaving Ryan and Devon behind in the living room.
    Ryan was

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