Savage Things (Chaos & Ruin Book 2)

Savage Things (Chaos & Ruin Book 2) by Callie Hart

Book: Savage Things (Chaos & Ruin Book 2) by Callie Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Callie Hart
inside me like napalm.  
    There are people out there that believe in the law of attraction. Each morning they wake up and stand in front of a mirror, staring at their reflections, telling themselves that today money will enter into their lives. They’ll get that job promotion. Their lives will be better and more satisfying in whatever way they desire. I don’t need any of that. I don’t need money. I don’t need a better job, or a new car, or to travel the world. If I were to stand in front of a mirror and plead with the universe for anything, it would be this man, inside me, twenty-four fucking seven, his hands on my breasts and his mouth on my clit. I’m so abruptly turned on that I don’t know what to do with myself, as Zeth pops up onto his knees so he can hover his body over mine, his dark eyes studious picking me apart with the precision of a heart surgeon.  
    “After the clothes are off, I’m going to spend the next fifteen minutes licking and kissing your body. I want a lesson in anatomy, Dr. Romera. I want to know the medical term for each and every point where my tongue meets your skin.”
    “I’m not sure my brain works under that kind of pressure.”
    “It had better. Or there will be dire, dire consequences.” Moving swiftly, he ducks, biting down hard and unexpectedly on my collarbone; I gasp, warring between my need to reel away from the pain and lean into it at the same time. Zeth chuckles in a dark, merciless way.
      “Then I’m going to go down on you,” Zeth informs me. “I’m going to feast on that pussy of yours. I’m going to stroke my tongue up and down you. I’m going to tease it inside of you. I’m going to eat your ass until you beg me to stop.”
    I buck underneath him, trying to squirm away. “No, you’re not!”
    He grabs hold of me, pinning me by my wrists to the bed. “What? You don’t want me to eat your ass?”
    “ No !” Jesus. As if he needs to ask that. It’s one thing feeling his fingers there, his hard cock, but his tongue? That just seems very wrong. Especially since my job is heavily focused on hygiene and keeping things clean.  
    Zeth’s laughter grows louder. Somehow, even more wicked. “Oh dear, angry girl. I thought I’d already shocked the prude right out of you. Seems I was wrong.”
    “You’re not going anywhere near my ass with your mouth.”
    “Maybe you’re the one that needs the lesson in anatomy. Hate to tell you this, doc, but your pussy is very close to your ass. I’ve spent a considerable amount of time down there already, and let me tell you…I’ve never had more fun in my entire life.”
    I squirm some more, only half-heartedly trying to get free. “My ass is not to be licked!”
    “Every time you protest, I’m allocating another three minutes to that area of your body,” he informs me. His expression is serious, the tone of his voice deep and resonant. He’s not laughing anymore, which tells me I better shut the fuck up or he’s going to be making me writhe against his mouth for a full half an hour. He’s not really going to do it, though. He wouldn’t, surely?
    “That should take us up to forty minutes,” he says evenly. “The next fifteen minutes are for me. Can you guess what I’m going to make you do, angry girl? Do you think you know what I want from you?”
    Never in my life have I been the kind of person to bite my lip. Every time I see a woman do it in the movies, it makes me want to smash my fist through the damn screen and scream at the chick to grow some backbone. But right now? If I were a lip biter, right now I’d be damn near trying to chew the thing clean off. I shake my head, a little too intimidated to speak.  
    Zeth pouts in a way that makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand to attention. “Well,” he says. “I’m going to want you on the bed, Sloane. On your back. Your head will be hanging off the edge, and I’m going to stand over you. You’re going to open your mouth for me.” He

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