Saturday's Child

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Book: Saturday's Child by Robin Morgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robin Morgan
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glass cases. Also on little carts. You could never read so many books in all your life even if you didn’t have rehearsal and school and singing and piano and tap and ballet and Air Day. It’s so quiet Mrs. Izzard says Shhhh if anybody makes noise to disturb you or give you nerves. You can learn about everything anywhere there. I bet you could learn about balls and bikes and roller skates and surprise everybody by just knowing how to do it! (If you ever get a surprise like that, Mommie, if you’re reading this, you’ll know what I was doing in the library!)
    But really now Pay Attention! So Mommie and I talked about our Future and how even if it’s just us against the world we’re special enough to triumph. I don’t care if it’s just us. I’m glad I don’t have a daddy, even if that’s a terrible thing to say and even if sometimes I miss him but like Mommie says how can I miss him when I never even met him? And besides, I have Judson Laire, who plays my TV father and never got married and has no kids and is so nice I call him Papa even off the set and he likes it. I’d hate to have a wicked stepfather.
    So I really have everything and I’m glad Mommie and me had the whole day just to ourselves. She says what do we need with a husband anyway I’m like her tiny husband because my acting brings home the bacon and it will take us far. I want to do that for Mommie, because I can take care of her better than any old husband could. She never punishes me. Even if I give her nerves I just get my privileges taken away, like going to the library that time, or watching Ed Sullivan on TV or playing cards with Dickie Van Patten who plays my brother on the set in the breaks. But privileges are bonuses anyway, like extras, so I shouldn’t miss them.
    Most of all, there isn’t a little girl in America who wouldn’t want to be me. Everybody says that. Aunt Sally says if we keep on this way maybe Imight be a rich woman all my life even if I decide to stop acting someday and do something else but that it would be a shame to leave our career when I was already a star and going to be an even bigger star. I don’t care about being a rich woman all my life but I would like to make Mommie rich so she can have the things she wants like a mink coat.
    Well Diary I have to go study my lines now because Mommie and me played all day so Aunt Sally says we better do some work before our beauty sleep. Mommie is working on her stocks which are also going to help make us rich. It was a wonderful day and I wish it wasn’t going to be tomorrow.
    Goodnight, Diary ,
    Dear Diary ,
    Miss Mona Monet who is my agent remember? She committed suicide Diary, which means killing yourself with too many sleeping pills! I have never known a real dead person before because I never met my father. It feels scary. Mommie and Aunt Sally said it certainly was an accident but I should never discuss it with anyone. So I’m only telling you, Diary. I’m glad I’m not dead.
    Love ,
    Dear Diary ,
    Mommie says I shouldn’t have told you about Miss Monet. I’m sorry. Mommie says I should tell you about The Stork Club. Benton & Bowles, the ad agency for our show’s sponsors, had a party for the cast there. I wrote this poem about it.
    Everyone’s sitting and laughing and drinking,
    talking and talking
    but nobody’s thinking.
    Anyway, Mommie says I should tell you The Stork Club named a drink after me. That’s because Mr. Sherman Billingsley who owns it his little girl Shermane is a fan of mine. They already have a Shirley Temple drink that is ginger ale and cherries and sweet red stuff. So mine is 7-Up but with all the rest the same and also a pineapple chunk. And other restaurants likeSardi’s and The Oyster Bar in Grand Central Station and The Stage Deli and maybe Trader Vic’s are going to have the Robin Morgan drink too, for when kids come, Mommie says.

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