Saturday's Child

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Book: Saturday's Child by Robin Morgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robin Morgan
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she’s on a diet. Then we looked in the store windows on Gramatan Avenue and I told Mommie someday I want to buy her a mink coat like Miss Irwin has. And we decided our career was going wonderful and if Miss Mona Monet (she’s my agent) could get me that celery raise (I don’t know how much money I make but I guess it’s not enough yet) then we would just do it! I don’t know about Aunt Sally but Mommie and me’d move into New York City (that’s Manhattan) to a fancy building with an elevator. Mommie would love that, and me too. I don’t like the smell in our building hall. It’slike somebody spilled grease and it got old but then you tried to clean it up with cleaning stuff but both smells stuck together.
    And we only have one bedroom here anyway, but maybe when we move I can have my very own room and that could maybe mean space for a dollhouse! Also like Mommie says, there’s almost no closets in this apartment so that’s why we have to hang things on the back of all the doors but there’s so much hanging there that it sticks out all big and puffy with the sleeves like arms and if you wake up in the middle of the night it makes scary shapes that you don’t want to move in bed in case they might come down from hanging there and get you with their flappy arms. And then maybe I can do extra parts in other shows if Miss Monet can get Miss Irwin to not have me in an exclusive contract. After all, I can pretend to be anybody they want me to be. I’d like to play other parts too because sometimes I get sick of Dagmar but still I’m lucky because the cast is like a second family everybody says, with another Mommie who’s Miss Wood and a brother and sister and even a father and everything. Oh Diary I forgot to tell you my father died before I was born. He loved Mommie more than anything else in the whole world but he had to go in the war. He was a doctor so he became an army doctor and cured soldiers and never killed anybody but got killed anyhow. Anyway, so we could get out of this apartment and the smell in the hall and Hazel the woman next door who talks to herself on the stairs and Mommie says stay away from and Mr. Tompkins the super who drinks too much and says worse words even than Mr. Nelson and never fixes anything. There’s plaster coming off the wall that Mommie says she hates but she also says it doesn’t matter Mr. Tompkins won’t ever paint because we’ll probably move soon anyway and besides who wants to take down the pictures from the walls? There’s lots of them. They’re almost all of me (Aunt Sally says I am the most photographed child in history!) in different show costumes or my ballet tutu (that’s a very short dress and is puffy and one of them that looks scary on the back of the door) and modeling and on a horse once (that was for publicity and I got right off! ) and with famous people and other stuff. So it’s OK we don’t get painted by Mr. Tompkins. But still, there’s this long orange face in the sink from the drips all the time. And there’s a green snake in the tub from the drips there. Also sometimes there are bugs in the kitchen and I hate that . It’s not our fault we’re clean and spotless it’s Mr. Tompkins’s fault andthe other people in this building. Aunt Sally says it’s maybe the fault of the Negroes to the side of us and she always makes me scrub hard in the tub after we bring them baskets. I don’t think it’s the library’s fault because the library is really clean and very quiet. I love it there. I’m a good reader (I could read before I started school) so I go every time I can except that once I snuck off to Roberta and gave Mommie nerves.
    The library has a big window over the door of different colored bits of glass. It has a huge round ceiling inside and on every wall there are books books books. Also on stands in the middle of the room. Also in

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