Sarah's Prayer: A Sunset Single (Sunset Series 1.1)

Sarah's Prayer: A Sunset Single (Sunset Series 1.1) by J. Brent Eaton Page B

Book: Sarah's Prayer: A Sunset Single (Sunset Series 1.1) by J. Brent Eaton Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. Brent Eaton
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prototype. It's a lot better than what the VA gave me." He hugged her snugly and for a long time. "I'm glad you're here. I'm so sorry for how things worked out Sunday night. If I could go back and change it I would."
    "I know, Michael. I overreacted a little. It just really hurt, especially with what Brian did before. I'm sorry if I hurt you."
    "No. I was just worried about you, that's all." Michael took her hand and walked her in the house. "Is chicken taco salad okay with you?"
    "Sure. I'm starved." Sarah followed Michael to the kitchen. "Before we sit down, do you mind if I have a closer look at that high-tech work of art? I'm really fascinated."
    Michael stopped and looked at Sarah with a quizzical expression.
    She thought at first that her request hurt him. "Did that offend you?"
    "Oh, no. Not at all. It really doesn't bother you that I'm missing a foot, does it?"
    Sarah considered her answer before she gave it. "Michael, I wish more than you know that you still had your foot, but no. It doesn't 'bother' me that you have a prosthesis. To be honest, I think my limitations have caused far more problems in this relationship than yours."
    "You are an amazing woman, Sarah. And yes..." Michael set his prosthetic leg on the seat of a kitchen chair. "Have a look at this baby. It's the only one of its kind."
    Sarah wasn't hesitant at all about touching and looking at, and even through, the various components of the leg. There were several moving parts, but the whole prosthesis was created one micro-thin layer at a time and already assembled in a specialized printer that creates solid objects out of polymer dust. The unusual construction could only have been completed that way. It gave Michael the ability to walk with a much more natural and comfortable gait.
    "I'll have to say, Michael, I'll never ceased to be amazed at how technology progresses. I'm glad you were able to get this. I told you before that if you hadn't told me about your injury I never would have guessed."
    They both sat down at the table. While they ate, Michael told the story about how he and his friend pioneered some of the elements in his prototype. A lot of trial and error, mostly error, went into creating a comfortable foot with a natural stride. He felt happy to have it, but even better that what they learned may help hundreds of veterans in the future. Sarah enjoyed every detail.
    As they cleaned the dishes, Michael revealed the topic on his mind tonight. "Sarah, one of the reasons why I wanted to be with you tonight is that... I really missed you. I wanted to be with you after what happened Sunday. The other reason why... you've already reassured me. Honestly, I didn't know how you would react when you saw me... the way I am. You knew of course, but I want you to be here, where I live and see what it's like for me to get around the house, I mean. I don't and can't always wear my prosthesis.
    "You had the unfortunate circumstance because of what Brian did to you to be in a situation where you were left vulnerable and embarrassed with me. I want to be completely vulnerable and open with you. Sarah, I don't know what God has in store for us in the future, but if we have a future, you need to know what you're getting into. Come with me."
    Sarah felt a warm thrill pass through her at the thought of a future with Michael.
    He took Sarah by the hand and led her into the downstairs bedroom. Michael sat down on a chair near the bed. "Would you be okay if I took my prosthesis off?"
    "Sure, Michael. Would you mind if I did it for you?"
    Michael looked at her in awe. "Uh, sure. Just hold the front of the ankle with one hand and put your other hand on the top backside and I'll pull."
    Sarah knelt down and did just as Michael said without hesitation or reservation.
    Michael was the one to hesitate slightly, being amazed at how Sarah responded so easily and gracefully. He lifted his leg out of the prosthesis.
    Sarah's eyes followed his leg, completely unaffected at the

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