Sarah's Prayer: A Sunset Single (Sunset Series 1.1)

Sarah's Prayer: A Sunset Single (Sunset Series 1.1) by J. Brent Eaton Page A

Book: Sarah's Prayer: A Sunset Single (Sunset Series 1.1) by J. Brent Eaton Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. Brent Eaton
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waited long enough to get this one, you need to keep him."

    It was Tuesday morning when Michael's resolve began to crumble. He couldn't deal with his beloved Sarah suffering without him being at her side, but he promised to wait. Fortunately, God was already hard at work in Sarah's heart.

    Sarah woke up early to spend time in prayer and scripture reading. She opened her Bible to the daily reading. It started in Daniel, chapter twelve:
    And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince who standeth for the children of thy people; and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered...
    She sat on the bench outside her cottage stunned and motionless. Michael... the great prince... who stands for the children of your people... Michael... is an archangel... God sent another archangel to protect me from Brian. First Gabriel, then... Michael. He stood up for me. I need to stand by him.
    Father, help me to get past my personal embarrassment and shame. I know Michael loves me and that should be enough for me because it's enough for him. Thank you for your love and grace... and for sending me an angel to protect me from harm.
    Sarah picked up her phone and tapped a speed dial number.
    " Uh, hi Sarah... are you okay? "
    "Yeah, Michael. I'm better, but still pretty rattled by the whole thing... Listen, Michael, I feel terrible about shutting you out the way I did, but this whole thing was so embarrassing to me. I just didn't know how to handle it. Can we get together and talk about it... soon."
    " Sure. In fact, I've been thinking about how to help you feel better about this too. I would love for you to come over to my place when you can. I have some things I need to show you and talk to you about. Some things that are personal to me and important to us. "
    Sarah wasn't sure what to make of that, but it seemed important to him. "Sure. How soon do you want me to come?"
    " How about dinner this evening? Don't expect a lot, but I'll have something to eat. "
    "Okay. See you at, say, six?"
    " See you. And Sarah? "
    "Yes, Michael?"
    " I love you. You know that, don't you? "
    "Yes, Michael. I love you too."

    Sarah ran home after work and changed into more casual clothes, but something that would make her look appealing to Michael. On her way to his house, she grew increasingly unsettled about what Michael's "personal" conversation might include. Taking a few deep breaths, Sarah concluded that whatever happened she knew they loved each other and it would turn out as God intended.
    Driving up to the house she saw Michael walk out on to the porch in a short sleeve shirt and cargo shorts. She had never seen him in anything but jeans or khakis. At first she thought he had on one boot and one sneaker. When she came to a stop, however, it dawned on her that it wasn't a boot. It was his prosthesis. She had never actually seen it before.
    Sarah hesitated slightly before getting out of her car. She suddenly realized what Michael meant about a "personal" conversation. He hadn't yet felt comfortable enough to show her his prosthesis like this. This was his way of telling her that it was okay for them to be vulnerable with each other and that she didn't need to be embarrassed for what happened. She smiled. A tear slipped from her eye as she got out of her car.
    Michael waited on the high porch for Sarah. As she walked up it gave her an almost eye level view of Michael's legs. His prosthetic leg was unlike anything she had ever seen. With the unusual shapes and patterns of its components, she marveled at what that meant. "I've never seen a three-D printed prosthesis before. I've seen them on TV, but... who made that for you? That's awesome."
    Michael chuckled. "That's one of the things I love about you, Sarah. You make people feel so good about themselves. A friend of mine owns a firm that specializes in high-tech three-D printing. This was a custom

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