Sapphires and Desires (The Gem Fairy Series Book 1)

Sapphires and Desires (The Gem Fairy Series Book 1) by Tarisa Marie

Book: Sapphires and Desires (The Gem Fairy Series Book 1) by Tarisa Marie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tarisa Marie
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    “I’m sorry,” he apologizes. “That was out of line.”
    I nod slowly and the smile on my face disappears. I’m fine with the casual sex slash sex to save your life thing but I don’t know this man and as much as he may love me I do not love him, I don’t know him. A part of me feels bad. I mean how hard would it be to love someone your whole life and then one day they don’t remember you? It would fricken suck.
    “How is Geoff doing?” I ask him sitting up and changing the subject...
    “Well…he’s still breathing. Healing, obviously. I think he’s well on his way to recovery. He’s very lucky. Very. He very easily could’ve bled out before we even got there last night.” He tells me.
    “Do you think he’ll wake up soon?” I ask him.
    “Yes. Hopefully in the next couple hours.”
    Damon leaves the room and I finish off my second piece of pizza before jumping in the shower. I make sure that the water is so hot that it burns my skin, if you ask me, there’s no other way to shower. I love the hot water. My shower is cut short by a knock on the door.
    I turn the shower off so I don’t have to shout over the running water,
    “Hello?” I ask.
    “He’s awake,” Damon says.
    I quickly jump out and throw on my clothes, wrapping a towel around my wet hair.
    When I make it out to the rest of the apartment Geoff is awake and sitting up.
    “Well you sure look like a drowned rat, Laytah.” Geoff teases.
    I smile and ignore his joke. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”
    “What the hell happened? I remember having a bunch of fun at the club then I remember waking up bloody in the dark and calling you and then well…I sort of remember you guys uh giving me a shower…” he trails off and then stares at Damon like he’s some sort of freak.
    “Dude, I don’t know what drug you gave me last night in the shower but holy man was that ever a trip. Hey, so what the hell was I totally over reacting about the blood? How am I not dead or in the hospital or at the very least where is my stab wound?” He asks. Drug ? I then remember the blood Damon gave him, could that be what he’s talking about.
    “Well, uh… dude. You were lying in someone else’s blood. You were just drugged that’s all.” Damon says emphasizing the word ‘dude’ as though he’s never heard it.
    “Oh shiiiiit. Really? I’m such a baby. I kind of wanted a big old stab wound to show my friends though.” He jokes. Well I’m actually not sure if he’s joking.
    “No joke about people slipping things into drinks in clubs then, hey? Thought that only happened to women.” Geoff shakes his head and reaches for a slice of pizza from Damon.
    “Uh yeah…” Damon replies awkwardly while handing him the whole box of pizza.
    Geoff bites into it and spits it out. “Bleh what is wrong with this pizza?” he gags.
    I raise my eyebrows in confusion. My pieces tasted fine.
    “It tastes like chloroform.” He spits.
    “May I ask how you know what chloroform tastes like?” I ask him teasing,
    He just laughs. “Seriously, what’s up with the pizza?”
    I take his chewed on piece and take a bite. Tastes fine.
    “It’s fine…” I say slowly. “Since when are you picky about pizza?” I ask him.
    He shrugs. “Believe me I’m not picky about pizza. I’d eat almost anything right now I’m so hungry but that is absolutely disgusting. Hey wait a minute…how did we get to Philly?” He asks suddenly realizing where we are.
    “We drove here over night. Thought you might want to get ready for your third semester. You know, and get out of your parents’ house.” I suddenly hope he doesn’t have to work today.
    “Weren’t you guys drunk? How did you drive?” He asks.
    “No I only had two shots.” I lie. He only saw me have two anyways.
    He nods. “I work tomorrow but I can call in sick. “
    Chapter 7
    The next few days fly by like something else. Geoff finishes

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