Sapphires and Desires (The Gem Fairy Series Book 1)

Sapphires and Desires (The Gem Fairy Series Book 1) by Tarisa Marie Page B

Book: Sapphires and Desires (The Gem Fairy Series Book 1) by Tarisa Marie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tarisa Marie
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than I was when I went?” I ask.
    “No. You would look only six human months older. But technically you are done aging so you wouldn’t age at all.”
    “Done aging?” I ask confused.
    “Yes, as soon as you were in the accident a week ago you stopped aging.”
    I sigh, surprised that my head hasn’t exploded from all this talk about the impossible over the past week. I usually can’t deal with homework assignments without anxiety how am I dealing with all this?
    As if reading my mind, Damon places his hand on top of mine on the rug.
    “It’s a lot to take in, I know. I’m trying to help with the anxiety but did you know that your anxiety spikes harder than anyone I know?” He laughs.
    “What do you mean? I have an anxiety disorder. So yeah, I do know.” I admit sheepishly. Admitting that my brain doesn’t work properly isn’t something I like to tell people.
    “Ah, that is obvious. I’ve been using a little glamour to keep your nerves down. Keep you from well…shooting me again.”
    So that’s why I’m so creepily calm? Why I haven’t balled my eyes out or smashed lamps or thrown things? I’m being compelled not to? Suddenly I’m angry.
    “Whoa, calm down.” He urges squeezing my hand.
    I pull it away and stand up from the ground kicking the board game just because I can. Not because I’m that angry but because I want to prove to him that he cannot control all of my emotion. He is not god .
    “No!” I shout causing a scene or well maybe it could better be described as a temper tantrum I’m not sure. “Stop controlling me.” I say.
    “Why? So you can throw more things? Shoot me again? Try and climb off of a cliff again? You’re psycho.” He says rolling his eyes.
    “Am not! Not my fault that my life’s turned to shit in the last week.” I cry.
    He stands up and grabs my wrists as I’m about the throw a textbook into the floor. I’m not normally a violent person, and I don’t think that in this moment I am necessarily being violent. I am more or less trying to prove the point that he doesn’t control my emotions but it’s ultimately backfiring and making me look like a psycho spazz. Why wouldn’t he let go of my emotions?
    I stop my tantrum and sit on the edge of my bed. He sits next to me, a little closer than I find comfortable. Especially because I’m angry at him.
    “I will stop if you promise not to throw a fit. A real one. You child. If you do, I will start again.”
    I nod.
    “Give me your hand.” He instructs and I do.
    He grabs it in his and mumbles something too quiet for me to understand. When he’s done he releases it.
    “There, the emotion ward is off.” He says raising his hands in surrender. “Happy?”
    “No!” I cry and angry tears escape my eyes. How could I possible be happy when my whole life is upside down? My cousin was almost murdered. I saw dead people, for Christ sakes! I died ! I went to some magic fairy land and then found out that I am a fricken fairy?! I’m a fairy for god sakes. I sound psycho just thinking it! Am I crazy? Maybe when I was in the accident I lost my mind, maybe this is all me stuck in a damn coma. Yeah, tell yourself that, Laytah, you’re not in a coma. My tears turn into sobs and eventually Damon wraps his arms around me in an embrace. I’m not sure whether I want to kill him or hug him. After all he had kept me from falling apart over the last week. Then again he deprived me of my emotion for nearly a week without my permission.
    “You’re okay. I was only trying to help.” He murmurs as I sob into his chest and tear stain his t-shirt.
    “I don’t feel much different.” I tell him.
    “You were laughing and playing board games five minutes ago and now you’re balling. It worked, trust me.” He promises.
    “But I was sad and angry and confused before, now I’m just more sad and angry and confused.” I cry through sobs.
    “I didn’t take away your emotion, Laytah. I took away its strength over you, I blocked it

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