Sapphire: New Horizons

Sapphire: New Horizons by Heather Brooks Page A

Book: Sapphire: New Horizons by Heather Brooks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Brooks
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her dad called from just beyond the door.
    â€œYep. She’s fine.”
    â€œGood.” There was the crunch of his boots on the road and then the slam of the car door. Emily heard the engine roar to life, and she grabbed onto a hook to brace herself, her heart starting to race as the wheels began to roll every so slightly.
    What if Precious went crazy? “You doing all right, Precious?”
    But Precious didn’t even blink. She simply munched her hay and took an occasional look at Emily to make sure she was still there.
    By the time they arrived at Running Horse Ridge, Emily and Precious were best friends, and Emily couldn’t stop thinking if it wasn’t for Trooper, Precious would still be stuck in that horrible place…with a baby on the way. Emily shuddered and gave her a hug while her dad lowered the ramp. “You’re safe now,” she whispered.
    Emily hovered while Precious was unloaded and put into a stall. She was relieved when Uncle Rick announced Precious was in good shape, just undernourished.
    Then Emily went and peeked in on Trooper. He was lying in his stall, his forelegs tucked under him as he rested on his chest, his nose drooping to the ground and his eyes half closed. “Hey,” she whispered as sheopened the door and crawled in to sit beside him. She scratched his ears and gave him a carrot she’d filched from the tack room. “Just so you know, all the horses are safe now. Even Precious. She’ll be fine.”
    He snuffled her hand for more treats, and she smiled. “So now you don’t need to worry about them. Just focus on getting yourself better. I’m making you something.” She yawned. “I’ll bring it in the morning, okay?”
    Her eyes were itchy, and her head felt heavy, so she gave him a final pat and pulled herself to her feet, trying not to clunk her cast too loudly, because he looked so tired. She frowned as she looked at him, then she squatted next to him and gave him a hug, rubbing her face against his rough coat, which someone had cleaned up so he was no longer covered in mud. “You did great, Trooper,” she whispered. “Really great.”
    He tossed his head, and she grinned. “Yeah, you already know that, don’t you?”
    She stood up again, and he watched her leave, making no effort to rise from his bed of thick, clean shavings.
    Why would he? He was home now. He could rest.
    She carefully shut Trooper’s door and then lumbered down the aisle toward Sapphire’s stall, her cast clomping loudly on the cement with each step. When she opened it, she saw a fresh bandage on his injuredforeleg, and guilt came rushing back even when he gave a whicker and hurried over to her when she walked in. “I’m so sorry I hurt you.”
    He nuzzled her hand, and she opened it. “I gave all my treats to Trooper. That’s okay, right?”
    She rubbed Sapphire’s neck, marveling at how soft and shiny his coat was in comparison to Trooper’s. He was so fit and well fed. Clean. A sparkle appeared in his eye as he gave her a shove and knocked her over before she could catch her balance. She grinned up at him, her heart suddenly feeling lighter. “You don’t care about your injury, do you? You think it was fun, running around until you found Trooper, don’t you?”
    Sapphire put his nose in his water bucket and drank, then moved his head so all the water dripped off his chin onto her face.
    She laughed and wiped off her face, amazed at how good it felt to laugh. “It was a long day,” she told him. “I needed to see you. You make me feel better.”
    He nickered softly and started surfing her jeans with his upper lip.
    â€œNo ice cream today, sorry.” She rubbed her palm over the white blaze on his nose, letting her head drop back against the wall as he nibbled on the hem of her shirt. She closed her eyes with a sigh, breathing in thescent of fresh

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