Sapphire: A Werewolf Love Story

Sapphire: A Werewolf Love Story by Devyn Dawson

Book: Sapphire: A Werewolf Love Story by Devyn Dawson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Devyn Dawson
Tags: Romance, Adult, Young Adult
the General had a special holding room made for the new wolves.  On the
surface, it resembles a jail cell.  We added a few creature comforts, such as
music and a TV which is placed outside of the cell.  Pru and Dolly came up with
the show line-up.  The monitors come on for Ellen and Animal Planet for a few
hours every day.  Oakley and Abel were able to tell her about being a werewolf
before she shifted, but I heard it was dramatic.  Watching Oakley fumble around
as he shifted to do a show-and-tell game makes me laugh on the inside.  I’m
sure the chick flipped out.  These days, I don’t do too much laughing.  I don’t
have time for laughter or socializing. 
    At least I’ll get time with Tatiana while I’m in
town.  She was recruited by Pru to join our IT department a couple of months
ago.  She came to us from the Dallas pack after having a fallout with one of
the guys.  Tat earned her degree from MIT at the age of twenty.  Wiz is an understatement;
she’s a damn rock-god of technology and a sex-kitten.  I smack the steering
wheel and laugh just thinking about how she’d react if she knew I called her a
    We hooked up after a night of drinking heavily.
We’re more of a supply and demand kind of relationship, she keeps me in supply,
and I’m demanding.  We don’t date, we fuck.  I’m a wolf, I need to fuck…she’s a
wolf and needs it too.  We don’t hold each other’s hands, we don’t sleep together,
and we don’t go anywhere in public together.  I once asked her to a movie, she
wrinkled her nose and said I’m not really her type.  I paddled her the next
time we didn’t sleep together.
    She’s the polar opposite of Sapphire, which is
good.  Tat has an aura about her that screams sex.  It wouldn’t surprise me if
she becomes a dom in her future.  Her Texas twang and her MIT brain are sexy as
hell.  The younger guys aren’t into brains right now, they don’t see her the
way I do.  Tat doesn’t wear make-up, but her pale blue eyes are always
sparkling as the wheels in her head spin with ideas.  Phire had flowing long
onyx hair, the kind that smelled freshly showered and when her head was arched,
her hair hung to her ass.  That perfect round ass that turned me on so many
times that weekend.  Without thinking, I smack my head backwards into
the headrest, damning myself for going there.  There is where Sapphire
is, where my wolf’s mate is, where my heart is. 
    I suck at keeping my thoughts of her at bay.  When
everyone gets back from Paris, I’m having a talk with Abel and Dolly.  I want
them to take into consideration that my wolf has been uneasy since I left her
those years ago.  How four damn days could have such an impact on me is beyond
my comprehension.  It isn’t fair to either of us, but I’m still against turning
her into a werewolf.  Can I go the rest of my life without my wolf’s true
mate?  Probably not.  That’s where Tat fits in, no strings and no feelings. 
    An owl swoops down in front of me, the headlights
give the enormous wings a celestial look.  I notice a wiggling snake dangling
from his talons.  What a magnificent hunter he is; it would be cool to shift
into an animal that flies.
    A heaviness falls over me as I pull up to the house,
its white pillars and deep red bricks give it an estate feel.  The previous
house was old and run down after years of the harsh Oklahoma summers.  The pack
went to Ireland together and visited some of the Phelan family while the
construction crews built this house.  Dolly had gone over the furnishings with
a designer before we left town, and she wasn’t disappointed when we arrived
home from Ireland to our magazine ready home.  Everywhere I turn the General is
there.  His wolf spirit looms low over me as I get a grip of the reality that
he isn’t here, and never will be again. 
    Abel and Chrissy are on the porch as I pull up to
the house.  I haven’t figured out what he sees in her.  She has

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