Mage Magic

Mage Magic by Lacey Thorn

Book: Mage Magic by Lacey Thorn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lacey Thorn
lines down her sides, along the outer curves of her chest but never giving her aching breasts the touch she yearned for. He slid his mouth up along her jaw, tracing a path to her other ear which was treated to the same pleasure.

    She felt Thedan behind her and leant back into him, hoping Theron would let his lips travel down to where she most wanted them. He chuckled, his breath warm against her skin and moved with her, letting his lips paint a trail of love bites over her neck. Her nipples were so tight they ached and she could feel the slickness of her pussy as it rippled and pulsed, begging to be filled with one of their hard cocks.
    Theron bent back from her and took her legs one by one and straightened them so they rested on the bed in perfect alignment with his thighs. He eased away from her and she watched him move from the bed and begin disrobing. Thedan shifted beside her and pressed her to lay flat on the bed. His cock bobbed just above her face and she rose up to lick him.
    “You want this?” he rumbled, grabbing his cock with one hand and holding it steady.
    He braced a hand on the other side of her head and lowered beside her so that she could take his cock more easily.
    Serenity licked over the head, loving the way it flared, the drop of pre-cum that filled the slit in the top. She wiped it away with her tongue then explored the opening searching for another taste. He was so musky and tart on her tongue. He moaned and there was no missing the way his thighs and ass clenched as he fought for control. Serenity didn’t want him to find it. She reached up, wrapping one of her hands around the one he was using to hold his cock steady and pulled him closer.
    She used her lips to surround the head and she drank him in, tracing her tongue all along the underside. Then she lifted her neck to take more of his length. He groaned and moved his hand to gain more support on the bed beside the other one. He pumped his hips and she slid her hand into a matching rhythm with her mouth, licking and sucking, driving them both crazy.
    Her rhythm broke and a cry escaped at the first flick of Theron’s tongue on her clit.
    Thedan used that to move back from her. He gave the base of his cock a hard squeeze before releasing it and shifting position to stretch out on his stomach beside her.
    “You’re so beautiful,” he said. “The flush to your skin. The way your lips are so red and puffy from working my dick.” He traced them softly with his finger and she caught the digit with her teeth and enclosed her lips around it to give a hard draw before he pulled it free. He moved his hand down to her breasts and one by one he traced her rock hard nipples. “The way your nipples swell and lift, begging to be tasted and savoured.” He traced patterns on her belly and she followed his gaze to watch Theron between her thighs.
    “The way your cunt flushes and swells, blooming like a flower eager to be touched,”
    Theron added, then trailed his tongue along her wet folds to rim her opening. She clenched the pulsing walls of her pussy in a vain attempt to hold his tongue there but he eased back, chuckling, his warm breath fanning her plump sex. “The way your pussy tastes so sweet, begging to have my cock fucking it.” He used his tongue to trace back up and with one hand pushed her folds further apart, bringing the tight bloom of her clitoris into sharp view then lightly outlined it with his tongue. “I love the way your clit swells to attention, demanding to be taken, caressed.” He did just that, lowering his head to place his lips around her bud and sucked on it. Softly at first then adding tongue taps around it before increasing the pressure and giving a hard pull with his mouth that had her back arching off the bed.
    She felt him slip a finger inside her and pump it while his tongue continued to taste and tease. Thedan moved his hand back to her breasts and used his fingers to pluck and pinch her nipple. He held her

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