Sad Love

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Book: Sad Love by Mj Fields Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mj Fields
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    “Wha t are the stars for?”
    “It’s not important,” he said.
    “Then rip it up,” she said and then started speaking Spanish and walking out the door.
    “It’s nothing,” Troy said and picked her up over his shoulder and threw the list in the fire pit.
    “It better not be,” she said.
    He kissed her she kissed him back. “Can you stay?”
    “Are you kidding me?” she asked laughing. “You can call me a cab.”
    “Okay, can I see you again?”
    “ I’m NOT a girl that goes on some list, do you understand?” she said poking him in the chest.
    He shook his head yes.
    "I will see you at class tomorrow night.”
    “Of course , and you can teach me,” Troy kissed her again.
    Troy knocked on the bedroom door and walked in.
    "Hey you two ,” Troy grumbled as he covered them.
    They were sprawled out on the bed sleeping. Tessa jumped up and grabbed a blanket.
    “My head,” Tessa cried out.
    “What’s up?” Lucas asked squinting.
    “You two are front page news here in Ft. Lauderdale,” Troy tossed the paper at them. “Good God … get dressed and come out.”
    Tessa read out loud as Lucas went to the bathroom.
    “Syracuse University Bad Boy, after a night of dancing at the Rooster club Links , SU’s back up QB punches star quarterback, Miles in the face, apparently over a girl who sources says lives with Links.”
    “You ’ve got to be kidding me?” Lucas said after he spit tooth paste in the sink.
    “Miles long time girlfriend , and SU senior, has no comment at this time. Links and his girlfriend were seen leaving the club in a taxi.” Tessa read on. “They were unavailable for comment.”
    "This is just great.”
    “You should see the picture of you in here: you look hot,” she laughed.
    He walked out and grabbed the paper and lay beside her.
    “Look at you, his lip s on yours,” he hissed
    “Let’s be realistic here shall we, I can assure you he would probably have liked them here instead” she said and pulled the covers over her head.
    He laughed, “Do you know how hot you are?”
    “Mm hmm,” she mumbled.
    He laughed, “Do you remember what you offered up at the club last night?”
    She shook her head no, and he patted her butt. She bit down, and his eyes widened.
    “I’ll take this any day,” he laid back.
    Troy walked in, “You guys coming out ? Oh— damn it!” he said slamming the door.
    Lucas laughed, “We really need to start locking doors.”
    “Seriously I burned my list last night, and now I have to have two nymphomaniacs in the house,” Troy said when they came into the dining room.
    Pierre walked in “Nice.”
    “You’re pushing it pal,” Lucas growled.
    “I wouldn’t if I were you, check out the front page,” Troy tossed it to him.
    “Wow you play for SU?” he asked Lucas. He shook his head. “Nice any chance I could score some tickets?”
    Tessa laughed, and Lucas looked at her, “You should try to stop pissing him off, that might help your cause.”
    “Probably not,” Lucas laughed as he hugged Tessa.
    “I’m going to cook breakfast hot stuff,” Tessa stood and smacked Lucas’s ass as she walked by.
    “You cooking for me t oo?” Pierre asked
    “Probably not,” she looked at him like he was an idiot and he was.
    Lucas smiled.
    “You want breakf ast in bed, Lucas?” she winked.
    Lucas and Tessa went for a run on the beach. There were photographers snapping shots of them. She laughed and jumped on his back
    “The paparazzi are after us,” she whispered and laughed.
    “Pretend you don’t see them,” he ran into the water.
    He kissed her, and she ki ssed him dramatically. They got out of the water and laughing.
    He dropped to one knee and asked her to marry him, and she smiled and knelt down and hugged him.
    “Way cooler story to tell our future children, and now everyone will know,” he laughed and they stood up.
    They walked off the beach hand in hand.
    They were immediately surrounded by photographers and

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