Sad Love

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Book: Sad Love by Mj Fields Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mj Fields
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head he pulled her against him as his mouth covered hers and his tongue licked taste of lime from hers. He pulled back still trying to catch his breath, “I think I like drunk Tessa,” his lips twisted up slightly.
    Tessa was still panting and she laughed as she leaned against the wall, “I think drunk Tessa likes you.”
    “You gotta mess in there baby, I don’t think I’ve ever come so hard in my life,” his smile broadened.
    Tessa smiled and walked into the empty stall.
    Tessa and Lucas walked out of the bathroom hand in hand smiling at each other. She looked towards the bar and saw Miles dancing with his tutor, oh no, she thought. Their eyes met, and he gasped. She looked away. Lucas went to get them a drink, he asked the bar tender to make hers without tequila, he saw Miles at the end of the bar and walked over to him.
    “Hey Miles what’s up?”
    “I’m sure she has already told you,” he said pointing to Tessa.
    “Told me what?” he asked as Tessa approached them.
    She looked at him and shook her head no. Lucas noticed the exchange.
    “What the hell is going on?”
    “Nothing, I was waiting for my drink,” she said and kissed him.
    “Whatever Tessa,” Lucas hissed and started to walk away.
    “Links wait,” Miles said.
    “What,” he snapped.
    “Dude I’m here with a friend, my tutor,” he looked down.
    “Sorry , but I really don’t know what this has to do with Tessa.”
    “Links this is Tony, he’ s my boyfriend,” Miles said, “Tony this is Lucas Links.”
    They shook hands.
    “Does Jenny know?” he asked.
    “Yes , and apparently Tessa here figured it out,” Miles said.
    “Did you know?” he asked.
    “Um kind of,” she said and looked down.
    “Why didn’t you tell me?”
    “Not my story to tell.”
    “ Thank you, Tessa,” Miles hugged her.
    “You can thank me by keeping that whore away from my fiancée’,” she scowled.
    “I can’t control her, Tessa” he said “She, and I have had an agreement since high school. She gets the perks of dating me and I get her faking the girlfriend thing. As soon as I can, I’ll come out, but I’m good at one thing, and it’s one of the few things I love.”
    “Are you taking her with you?”
    “I’m not sure -- she seems to want to stay here” he said and looked down.
    “For Lucas?”
    “I don’t know why , Tessa,” Miles said.
    “Well I do,” s he stormed away.
    Miles walked up to her, “Dance with me?”
    They danced and talked.
    “She’ s a hot head Tessa, the harder you push, the harder she’s going to come after him. I wish I could do something about it, but I really don’t know what to do.”
    Someone with a camera came in and was taking photos.
    “Shit,” he said.
    “Oh fuck …p lease don’t walk away,” he kissed her hard on the lips.
    She pulle d away and looked for Lucas, he was storming over.
    “Come on Tessa, she ’s not a toy,” he said to Miles and punched him in the face.
    Miles punched him back,
    Lucas laughed, “Is that all you got?”
    Lucas grabbed him, and they were on the ground. Tessa tried to pull Lucas off of him. Troy ran over and grabbed him, and Carmen grabbed her. They pulled them out the front door past the camera crew. Lucas said nothing to her, he was fuming. He stormed toward the curb and waited next to Troy.
    They took a cab back to Troy’s.
    Lucas stormed into the house and Tessa grabbed him.
    “You know I didn’t ...” she started, and he kissed her and pulled away.
    “He didn’t stick his tongue in your mouth, did he?”
    “No,” she said “I ’m so sorry.”
    He laughed, “Tessa you did nothing wrong.”
    “I know I just...” he kissed her. “I am going to get you an ice pack.”
    “What’s this?” Carmon asked looking at the ON CALL list on Troy’s refrigerator.
    It was full of girl’s names and numbers.
    “It’s nothing,” Troy pulled it down.
    “You’re not a doctor,” Carmon said.
    “I know,” he said as she grabbed the list out of his

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