Ryelee's Cowboy
blue plastic cover on one of the storage bins. She picked it up
and, after a bit of examination, she decided to try it.
    Rheenie grabbed her hand and they
slowly made their way up the hill behind the house. It wasn’t a big
hill, but it should do, Ryelee decided.
    “I’ll go first to see if it works,”
she told Rheenie.
    Rheenie refused to be left behind. She
put up such a fuss that Ryelee gave in and let her ride on her
    It took some effort to get it going,
but as soon as it started down the hill, they were flying. Ryelee
panicked when she realized she had no way to control the improvised
sled, and they were gaining momentum. They were almost to the end
with the snow whipping through their hair and the biting cold
reddening their cheeks when they hit a bump. Both flew into the air
landing hard on the ground.
    Rheenie laughed aloud tumbling into
the snow, obviously loving the adventure of it all. She immediately
got up ready to tell Ryelee that she wanted to go again. Ryelee
wasn’t getting up.
    Ryelee lay in the snow, wondering if
she should move. Rheenie’s leg brace had hit her in the side as
they tumbled, and she was in pain. She wasn’t sure if there might
be a problem with the baby. She didn’t think so, but she told
Rheenie to run and get Clint anyway.
    Immediately, Clint bounded out of the
house and raced toward her.
    Ryelee chided him. “You should have
put your coat on.”
    “Damn it, Ryelee. Are you hurt? What
were you thinking?”
    “I’m sorry, Clint.”
    “Where does it hurt? Is it the baby?”
he asked anxiously.
    “I don’t think it’s the baby. I ended
up getting kicked in the side and it hurts.”
    “I’m going to lift you and bring you
inside. Hold on to me.”
    Clint carefully lifted her into his
arms and stalked to the house. Rheenie was waiting there holding
the door open. Clint gently put Ryelee on the couch and began to
take of her boots, mittens, and finally her coat.
    “Go get Grandma’s quilt,” he told
    “Save it. Where are you
    “My side.”
    Clint lifted up her sweater. “You have
the beginnings of a nasty bruise. I’m going to call the
    Ryelee started to protest, but she
could tell by the strained turn of his mouth that it would be
    Ryelee felt stupid when he called the
doctor. She could hear Clint’s voice but couldn’t make out what he
was saying. Rheenie raced toward her and tucked her in with a warm
quilt. “Thanks, Rheenie, you’re a big help.”
    Rheenie put her hand under her chin
and looked Ryelee up and down. “Hmm, not good.” She put her face
closer to Ryelee’s. “Well, well,” She shook her head, her hand
still under her chin. “You need a nurse, young lady.”
    “I don’t think that will be
necessary,” Ryelee replied, hoping it to be true.
    Clint walked back into the room. “The
doctor doesn't think it’s an emergency, but he wants to see you
    Ryelee nodded her head. Once again,
Clint had to come to her rescue. He looked angry and she didn't
know what to say to him. He had a right to his anger. She was
    “Daddy, do you think I need to bandage
her up?” Rheenie asked hopefully.
    “It would serve her right, but I think
that she just needs some rest.”
    The anger in his voice shook Ryelee.
He was right. Why was she always so foolish? Rheenie could have
gotten hurt. What did she know about raising a five-year-old? What
about the baby? What about her relationship with Clint? She was a
fraud. She wasn’t equipped for any of this. Overwhelmed, she didn't
even know she was crying until Rheenie handed her a tissue. She
thanked her and turned her head away. She couldn’t face either of
    Someone knocked at the front door, and
Clint answered it. She surmised from the murmuring of voices they
were probably talking about her.
    Rheenie ran to her and kissed her
cheek. “Burke is here and I’m going to a slumper!”
    “What?” Ryelee turned over.
    “A slumper

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