Ruined #5 (The MC Motorcycle Club Romance Series - Book #5)

Ruined #5 (The MC Motorcycle Club Romance Series - Book #5) by Alycia Taylor

Book: Ruined #5 (The MC Motorcycle Club Romance Series - Book #5) by Alycia Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alycia Taylor
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Alycia Taylor
2014. All rights reserved.

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Part 1First - Ruined #1
      Read Part 2 First -
Ruined #2
    Read Part 3 First -
Ruined #3
Part 4 First - Ruined #4

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    I had just walked into the store when I heard the
phone ringing. My uncle picked it up and after a few seconds he said, “It’s for
you, Liv.”
    I had left my cell phone off all night and morning.
I didn’t want to talk to Dax or listen to his excuses in a voice mail or read
them in a text.
    “Is it Dax?” I asked him with what I hoped was an, I don’t want to talk to him face .
    “No, it’s his mother,” my uncle said.
    He handed me the phone and walked away. I stared at
it for a few seconds before finally concluding that if his mother was calling
me….something bad must have happened to Dax. I had a flashback to when he went
to jail and my heart was already speeding up when I finally said, “Hello?”
    “Hi Olivia, it’s Gail.”
    “Hi,” I said. “Is everything okay?”
    “No honey. Dax was shot last night.”
    Shot! What the fuck? I thought she was going to tell me he got arrested. That was bad enough, but I
had somewhat mentally prepared myself for that...but not shot.
    “Is he okay? Where is he?”
    “The bullet went through his abdomen. They had to do
some repairs to his stomach and they removed his spleen. He’s pretty doped up
right now, but he’s out of surgery and they said he did fine.”
    “Oh God,” I said.
    “I tried to call you last night, honey, but I was
never able to get through. I left a bunch of voice mails…”
    “I’m sorry. My phone was off. Can I come and see
him?” I asked.
    I felt numb and at the same time, shaky all over. I
knew something bad was going to happen and as happy as I was that he was alive,
I wanted to kick his ass for doing exactly what his mother and I had been
telling him not to.
    “Of course, honey. They just moved him out of ICU
onto the floor. He’s in room 217.”
    “Okay, I’ll be there soon,” I told her.
    “Okay but drive safe. There’s no emergency now. He’s
not going anywhere.”
    “I will, thank you, Gail.”
    I told my uncle that Dax was in the hospital. I
avoided telling him why. He told me he’d call someone else in and to go and not
worry about it. I grabbed my purse and headed for the hospital. The whole way I
couldn’t stop thinking about how scared Dax must have been, how much pain he
must have been in. It actually caused me physical pain to think about it. I was
still angry, but now I was angry at whoever did this to him. If they would have
been in front of me, I might have shot them myself.
    It seemed like it took me forever to get to the
hospital. It was normally only a thirty minute drive but it actually only took
me about twenty-five minutes. I was in a high state of anxiety before I got
there though.
    I practically ran from the parking lot to the
elevator and took it up to the second floor. I found 217 and when I got to the
door of the room, I had to force myself to stop and take a deep breath before I
went inside. Feeling slightly calmer, I pushed open the door. I saw Gail,
sitting in the corner in a chair. She smiled and gave me a little wave. The
curtain around the bed was pulled about half way so I
could see the outline of Dax’s body under the sheet, but I couldn’t see his
face. Gail saw I was hesitating and she beckoned at me to come in further. I
forced my feet to move forward and when I got to the bed I closed my eyes for a
second before finally looking around the curtain.
    Dax was pale, almost as white as the sheets on the
bed. He had an IV with a bunch of bags hanging off of the pole and some other
kind of tube coming out of his stomach and going to a container on the

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