Ruined #5 (The MC Motorcycle Club Romance Series - Book #5)

Ruined #5 (The MC Motorcycle Club Romance Series - Book #5) by Alycia Taylor Page A

Book: Ruined #5 (The MC Motorcycle Club Romance Series - Book #5) by Alycia Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alycia Taylor
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There was some kind of green foamy stuff in the container. I guessed it was
suctioning stuff from his stomach. There was a bag hanging on the side of the
bed with urine in it so he must have had a catheter in as well. He was such a
big guy but lying in that bed with all of that stuff hooked up to him made him
look smaller somehow, and so pathetic. I felt tears in my eyes as I leaned down
and kissed him on the forehead.
    “You’re an idiot,” I whispered to him, “But I still
love you so much. I’m so glad you’re going to be okay.”
    I felt Gail’s hand resting on my shoulder and I
turned to look at her. “I’m going to go down and get us some lunch,” she said.
    I nodded and wiped one of the tears from my eye.
Gail wrapped me up in her arms and that was when I finally lost it. I felt bad,
but I couldn’t stop. I would stop for a second and then I would think again
about how easily we could have lost him and start crying all over again. Gail
was great. She just held onto me and let me cry, not saying a word.
    When I finally stopped I said, “I’m sorry, I know
he’s okay but I can’t help thinking about how much worse it could have been.”
    She smiled and said, “Don’t be sorry. I ’m just not crying now because I’m cried out. I cried on
Bull’s shoulder all night.” She handed me a tissue and I took it and blew my
nose. “I’m going down for the food, I’ll be right back.”
    I forced a smile and nodded. I was afraid if I tried
to speak that I’d start crying all over again. Once Gail left, I turned back to
the bed. I ran my hand lightly across Dax’s handsome face and said, “I’m not
leaving you this time, not ever. All of this craziness has forced me to take a
deeper look at how I feel about you, Dax. I love you so much. I don’t want to
be without you, ever. I can’t even imagine a life without you any longer. I
don’t want to even try. So, you better hurry and get out of this bed so we can
hurry and start getting on with our lives.”
    It wasn’t like the movies. He didn’t wake up with
any snappy come backs, but I hoped he heard me. I had meant every word. From
there on out, if he ever wanted to get rid of me, he was going to have to pry
me off of him.
    I sat with him and listened to the gentle beep of
his monitors. The nurse came in and took his vital signs and emptied his
catheter. I watched her do it all, talking to Dax or me the whole time. She was
smiling and she looked genuinely happy to be doing her job. I wondered how good of a job it had to be to feel like you could wear a smile as
you dumped out someone’s pee as well as the contents of their stomach that were
freshly sucked out through a tube.
    “Can I ask you a question?” I asked her before she
    “Sure,” she said.
    “How long did it take you to become a nurse?”
    “I went for four years,” she said. “You can do it in
two or a little less, but I wanted to also get my degree. Are you thinking
about becoming a nurse?” she asked.
    “I might be,” I told her. “I just signed up at the
University but I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to do yet. I was just
watching you and you seem to really like your job.”
    The nurse smiled again. “I do like my job…actually,
I love it. I can’t imagine doing anything else. I like knowing when I go home
at night that it’s with the satisfaction that although I’m not saving the
world, I at least did all that I could do for the ones that I was in charge of
for the day.”
    “Thank you,” I told her.
    She smiled and said, “You’re welcome, hon. Good luck
to you too.”
    Gail came in as the nurse was leaving. She had an
armful of food so I went to help her. There was a little table in the room so
we set up for lunch there.
    “I don’t suppose sleeping beauty woke up while I was
gone, did he?”
    “No,” I told her. “But the nurse says he’s doing
really well vital signs wise. “
    “Good, my boy likes his sleep,” Gail said with a

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