Roomies eBook

Roomies eBook by Kennedy Kelly

Book: Roomies eBook by Kennedy Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kennedy Kelly
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“Damn it, Nathan, you heathen!” I swatted my roommate Nathan on his arm while my eyes lingered on the way he gulped down the cool liquid. It was sexy as hell, but I was still miffed. “I was going to have some of that milk with breakfast.” He pulled the jug away and darted out his tongue licking his lips. I nearly convulsed on the floor it was so hot.
    “Sorry.” He gave me his goofy lopsided grin that I loved so much and winked. “You know you still love me.” He was such a flirt. Not a player, but a flirt and I loved that about him. I could flirt with him for hours. My eyes were consumed with his hard as steel body and the tattoos that were inked into his perfect skin. I wanted to trace them with my tongue. I sighed and tried to squelch the desire that was pooling inside of me. We were just friends, roommates, and best friends.
    But, damn, did I love him. So much that I thought my heart was going to explode sometimes. Thinking about it had my heart constricting against my ribs at a fast pace. He made my blood pump and my body tingle. But he didn’t know this, I would never ruin what we had. We were best friends, a trio; Nathan, our other roommate Travis, and I. You asked to hang out with one of us, you got us all. We were never far from one another and always traveled together.
    One would think I was crazy for living with two guys, but I’m not. It was actually really great. I don’t have to fight over a bathroom with anyone, and there’s no drama. But there are always shenanigans. We lived to be crazy and play pranks on one another.
    “That means we’re going to have to go to the grocery store later.” I tsked at him.
    “Did you say we’re going to the store later?” Travis rushed into the kitchen and joined us. His smile was large, his eyes bright. If I wasn’t looking, I would have guessed his tongue would have been hanging from his mouth. He loved food. When I say he loved it, I meant it. He ate everything in sight, all the time, and never gained an ounce. It was sickening really. He was a glutton, but I still loved him just not the way I loved Nathan.
    “Yes.” I rolled my eyes at him. “Nathan over here drank all the milk. Now I don’t have any to go with my breakfast.” I pouted.
    “What’s for breakfast?” Travis licked his lips and then wiggled his eyebrows at me.
    “Really, you have to ask,” Nathan commented. “You know damn well she’s having pancakes. She has to work on that gorgeous ass of hers.” He winked at me again. He and his damn wink made my panties wet and my pussy pulse with need. I looked at his strong jaw, his perfectly groomed hair, his blue eyes, and his sexy body. I was on fire for this man. He was the most delectable human I’d ever seen.
    “I say we go to the store now,” Travis suggested.
    “No, you know I have to eat first, or my blood sugar will get too low and then I’ll pass out.” I wasn’t a diabetic, but I did suffer from hypoglycemia. I hated it, but it’s been like this since I was a kid so I was used to it.
    “Right. We don’t want you to pass out and hit your head on the coffee table like you did last time it got too low. That was fucking crazy, it freaked me the hell out,” Travis rambled on. It was his own way of bitching about me.
    “Hey now.” I whacked him upside the head. “I don’t know what you’re bitching about Travis. Nathan was the one who took care of me.” He was so sweet. I was cradled in his arms when I woke up, and he had a glass of orange juice in his hands. He fed me peanut butter and apples while I sipped on the juice. I knew he really cared about me; however, I didn’t know if he felt the same way about me as I did him. My feelings were really strong. I might have even started planning our wedding.
    “Damn you hit hard for a girl.” Travis rubbed the side of his head, and I chuckled.
    “Don’t be a pussy dude.” Nathan teased Travis causing the boys to join in on my laughter.
    “Okay so operation

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