Rogue Countess

Rogue Countess by Amy Sandas

Book: Rogue Countess by Amy Sandas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Sandas
Tags: Fiction, historcal romance
his attractive features appeared relaxed and his eyes gleamed with a sharp kind of interest as he studied her.
    Did he not yet know of her act of retribution at his hotel yesterday?
    “Ah, it is you,” he exclaimed flatly. His gaze swept over her form, from top to bottom. The gleaming warmth in his eyes seemed to penetrate the thin barrier of her evening gown and caused the fine hairs on the back of her neck to rise in delicate awareness. “You decided to go out without your whip this evening?”
    Anna realized then that he was most definitely apprised of what she had done in retaliation for his purchase of the mare. She smiled with extra sweetness and added a note of suggestive coyness to her response.
    “It didn’t quite go with tonight’s ensemble.”
    The corners of Jude’s lips curved upward in a reluctant smile. “Yes, I can see that.”
    Anna turned to Leif. “Would you be so kind as to fetch our cloaks.”
    Leif clicked his heels with a jaunty smile. “Of course, darling angel.”
    Anna glared at his blatant use of the endearment. He was enjoying her current predicament. It was just the sort of scene that would appeal to his deviant sense of amusement.
    When Anna turned to meet Jude’s gaze, his smile twisted into a smirk. “Have you traded in your pack of hounds for a lap dog?”
    Before Anna could answer, Leif turned at the words that had been meant as an insult to him. He wasn’t likely to be bothered by Jude’s comment, he had been called much worse, but he interjected with a cocky grin.
    “’Tis such a lovely lap. ‘Tis a rare red-blooded man who wouldn’t dream of lying down in such warmth. You have no need to worry, my lord. Though you may not have been in town long enough to be privy to all of the intricate gossip that passes between the lush lips and eager ears of London’s most discerning ladies, I assure you, your wife is in excellent hands.”
    Several ladies in the room gasped at the obvious innuendo.
    “Insolent pup,” Rutherford muttered under his breath.
    Meanwhile, Anna’s face went up in flames of embarrassment. Her dark eyes pinned Leif with a glare of burning fury. He shrugged it off and gave her a little wink as he went to get their cloaks from the footman.
    His comments had been enough to incite violence from any husband as a simple matter of honor. But not her husband.
    “An interesting choice of companion, Lady Blackbourne.”
    Jude’s comment was uttered in a tone devoid of emotion.
    Anna’s smile was intentionally suggestive, and she was pleased to see Jude’s eyes narrow in response. There was no point in trying to back paddle now.
    “ Interesting hardly does Lord Riley justice, my lord.”
    The ladies who had gasped in shock only moments before twittered behind their fans.
    Jude’s eyes darkened by slow degrees as anger set in. In spite of the flashing flame of ire in his gaze, his response was relaxed and confident.
    “Enjoy your freedom now, my lady. You are bound to be rather occupied in the coming weeks.”
    Not quite understanding his ominous warning, Anna chose to ignore it as she turned at Leif’s approach. She swept her cloak around her shoulders before looking back to address her husband with an airy smile.
    “Much as I would love to stand here and trade clever little insults and cryptic threats for the rest of the evening, I do have more enticing activities planned. Good night, Lord Blackbourne. Lord Rutherford, almost always a pleasure,” she added with a casual nod as she took Leif’s arm and headed for the door.
    Leif stayed close by her side as they descended the steps outside the house.
    “Not another word,” she muttered in warning as she took long swift strides toward her carriage.
    She was sullen and silent for the entire drive home. Leif was blessedly quiet, as if he sensed she was none too pleased with his decision to goad Jude. Humiliation over the scene still flushed her skin. Even the assurance that Jude had also felt the sting of

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