The Billionaire's First Christmas - Contemporary Romance
a black leather couch and two chairs, a
fireplace, a wet bar, a closet and a very large bathroom, fully
equipped with a shower. He could live here if he wanted to. I saw a
shirt draped over one of the chairs and got a glimpse into the half
opened closet where several suits hung. I wondered if sometimes he
did. That made me a little sad. Everyone should have a warm home
that they were dying to get to after work. I personally loved going
home to my own. I noticed in the office that seemed to have
everything, that there was one thing conspicuously missing…
Christmas. This time of year when everything else was decorated so
festively, it made the beautiful office seem a little
    I went over to his desk and sat down
the cookies and the note. While I was there, I glanced out the
window. He had four huge windows that took up most of the wall
behind his desk. The view was breathtaking. The sun was just
beginning to go down and the lights of Manhattan were beginning to
burn across the city. It was beautiful. I wondered if it made him
happy. I glanced at what was on his desk… office supplies, and what
was on the walls… artwork. There was nothing personal, no
photographs, no diplomas or awards. I couldn’t help but wonder what
his life was like outside of here, and why he kept it so closed off
from everyone else. Feeling sad for him, I closed the door behind
me as I left and headed for home, hoping that I’d at least
brightened his day a little bit.


    The big meeting that I’d been
preparing for and anticipating for weeks went well. China was an
important market that Winters Inc. hadn’t yet broken into. The
gentlemen I met with were more than willing to hear what I had to
say about how our products would benefit their communities. They
were even happier about it when I told them about our company’s all
green plans. It was something their own company prided themselves
on. The only difficult part of the meeting was communication. I
knew a little bit of Mandarin, I’d taken it in college. My skills
unfortunately weren’t honed enough for such an important meeting,
so most of it was accomplished via an interpreter. That in itself
was exhausting, and a bit worrisome. I trusted my interpreter but I
still worried occasionally that things might get lost in
    When the meeting ended, I said
good-bye to my new business partners and headed back to my office
to get my things. I felt so weary, but I knew that I wasn’t just
tired tonight. Something just felt… off. I had this big, empty
feeling in my chest lately for some reason. Usually after a meeting
like the one I’d just had, I’d be so excited that I was bouncing
off the walls. I’d often go out for a celebratory drink and
occasionally meet a nice woman for some temporary company. Not
today though, not even the success of the meeting had made me
happy. I had no desire to be with a woman either. At least not one
I could find in a bar. I couldn’t put my finger on what had changed
and it annoyed me.
    I opened my office door and was
surprised by a pleasant spiced aroma. I figured that Janice had
bought one of those scented candles or plug in devices for the
office. She didn’t force Christmas on me, she knew better. But she
had her little subtle ways of giving me hints. Her fragrances were
often part of that every year, as was her gaudily decorated desk
outside my office door. I walked over to my own desk to retrieve my
briefcase and was surprised to see a plate of cookies and an
envelope with my name on it. I picked up the envelope and slipped
out the note.
    It was from Robyn. I should have
known. Who else would have the nerve to sneak in my office when I
was out and leave Christmas cookies? Or Christmas anything for that
matter. Geez! What was it going to take for her to get it? I didn’t
like Christmas, why was that a crime? I didn’t really read the
note; I just tossed it back down on the desk

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