Rise Of The Dreamer

Rise Of The Dreamer by Bola Ilumoka

Book: Rise Of The Dreamer by Bola Ilumoka Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bola Ilumoka
soon as the thought crossed his mind, he began to start flying higher and higher, far above everyone in the mall and he had the vantage point now. None seemed to notice him or the fact that he was flying. As he turned around mid-air, he suddenly spotted someone wearing a black suit , black tie and black sunshades. It was Nero. What’s he up to this time around , thought Dennis. He was moving in the crowd with a determined look on his face and it was obvious he was on a mission.
    He was carrying a back pack over his shoulder. I wonder what’s in there , thought Dennis. As soon as the thought occurred in his mind his vision was immediately magnified and he was able see through the bag. In the bag was a large bottle without any particular label. In his mind he asked, What’s in the bottle?   Immediately he did that, the contents of the bottle were almost revealed to him, but Nero stopped and looked in his direction and swiftly threw a punch in the air at Dennis who was several feet away. Though Dennis was nowhere near Nero, he felt the punch and it was so painful that he momentarily lost his ability to fly and he crashed to the floor of the mall in the midst of the teaming crowd.
    He immediately picked himself up. I need to fly , he thought again. He instantly flew into the air again above the crowd. His eyes scanned for Nero, but he was gone and out of sight. He had literally vanished from the crowd. As he kept on looking for Nero, he noticed that various people in the crowd started coughing and gasping for air. Some were vomiting while some of them were having seizures. Many of them had collapsed to the floor with some unconscious and a few were already dead.
    It then dawned on Dennis that a chemical or biological attack was taking place in the mall and there was nothing he could about it. Since this was a dream, he knew it was yet to happen. He didn’t know when, but he knew where because he had seen the name of the mall. He looked around at the carnage and death and said to himself , “I have to stop this from happening.” The dream ended and he woke up.
     On opening his eyes he couldn’t see clearly. His vision was blurred, but after a while it began to clear up. He was lying down on his back, face upwards to the white light in the ceiling. From the little he could see, the walls in the room were white and he could slightly see some medical equipment close by and a drip running into his veins. What am I doing here , he asked himself. Then all his memories came flooding back. He remembered seeing Lucy the witch plunging a serrated knife into his chest aimed for his heart with the sound of gun fire exchange in the background and that was the last thing he remembered.
    He rightly assumed that the police or whoever had saved him in the nick of time and he was convalescing in a hospital somewhere. He was glad. He also wondered what had happened to Lucas and the others who hadn’t been sacrificed by the coven yet. He also mourned for those who had been killed already. If the law enforcement enforcers had just come twenty minutes earlier they would have still been alive by now. That reminded him, the dream he just had, there was going to be a terrorist attack, a whole lot of people were going to get killed if he didn’t try to do something about it. 
    He still felt weak and found it difficult to move his body. He wanted to sit up, but he wasn’t able to. Fortunately for him he was being monitored by CCTV and a nurse came in to see him as soon as she noticed his movements. A few specialist doctors came in shortly after her to check on him.
    After the doctors had done their routine checks on him, he was asked by one of them, “Is there anyone you would like us to call or whom you would like to see?”
    Dennis only wanted to see one person. “Can you get me Supervisory Special Agent Marcus Gates of the FBI?”
    “That shouldn’t be a problem Dr Riley, he’s already on his way. He specifically told us to notify him as

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