Ripped at the Seams

Ripped at the Seams by Nancy Krulik

Book: Ripped at the Seams by Nancy Krulik Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nancy Krulik
going to be around tonight?” Rain called after her. “A bunch of us are going to dinner at Hunan Garden. Wanna come?”
    â€œI think I’ll be with Bruce tonight,” Sami said.
    â€œOh, where’s he taking you? Some place expensive, no doubt.”
    Sami frowned. That was the second time this morning that Rain had made some comment about Bruce’s money. It was like she was prejudiced against people with money. Bruce happened to work very hard for what he had. Sami thought it was nicethat Bruce was willing to spend it so freely on her. But there wasn’t time to argue that with Rain, and besides, she really didn’t want there to be any trouble between her and her roommate. So she simply replied, “I don’t know where we’ll go. We don’t have anything planned.”
    â€œThen how do you know he’s free?”
    Sami smiled. “I just know it.”
    Bruce was already in his cubicle hard at work when Sami arrived. She was surprised. Ordinarily she was the first one in and he was the last.
    â€œWow! Look who’s up with the sun,” Sami chirped, sneaking into his cubicle, coming up behind him, and giving him a peck on the cheek.
    Bruce jumped up, startled. He slammed the top of his laptop shut and turned to Sami. “Don’t do that,” he scolded her.
    â€œThere’s no one else here,” Sami promised. She leaned over and hugged his neck.
    â€œI mean sneak up on me,” Bruce continued, wriggling free from her playful grip. “You scared the heck out of me.”
    â€œI’m sorry,” Sami apologized easily. Shewrapped her arms around his neck. “Let me make it up to you.”
    Bruce shook his head. “We can’t do this here. Not now. People will be coming in any minute.” He looked into her eyes, making sure she understood the importance of what he was saying. “No one can know about us.”
    â€œIs it against office rules?” Sami asked, suddenly nervous.
    Bruce shook his head. “I don’t know. But it wouldn’t look good. Technically, I’m your boss, right? We don’t need one of those Monica-Bill scandals around here.”
    Sami thought there was a big difference between a relationship between an office manager and a receptionist and one involving the president of the United States and an intern, but she could see that Bruce wasn’t going to accept that kind of logic. “I guess you’re right,” she agreed, her face falling.
    Bruce must’ve noted the sadness in her eyes, because he gave her one of his remarkable smiles. “But that doesn’t mean we can’t meet somewhere
    â€œThat’s true,” Sami agreed. “Actually,Rain and some of her friends are going out to dinner tonight at a local Chinese place. Do you want to go?”
    Bruce heaved a heavy sigh. “Gee, Sam, I don’t think so,” he said slowly.
    Sami studied his face. “Don’t you like Rain?” she asked him.
    â€œSure, she’s fine,” Bruce said. “And I like her taste in roommates.”
    Sami smiled. “Then what’s the problem?”
    â€œI met a lot of people like Rain when I first came to New York. You know, all into the excitement and rebellion of the East Village,” Bruce explained. “I’ve moved on from that East Village scene. You’ll see. After you’ve been here a while, tattoos, tongue piercings, and pitchers of beer will lose their appeal. Besides, I was thinking you and I could go out alone tonight. How about La Comida?”
    Sami knew all about La Comida. It was one of the new hot spots in town, and always crowded with celebrities. “Are you sure we can get in?”
    â€œDo you doubt me?” Bruce asked her in mock horror.
    â€œNever,” Sami assured him. “I trust you completely.”
    â€œThat’s my girl,” Bruce said. “Now get out of here. I have work

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