Warriors by Barrett Tillman

Warriors by Barrett Tillman by Barrett Tillman

Book: Warriors by Barrett Tillman by Barrett Tillman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barrett Tillman
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That's why I started with you. The Saudis already have a list of prospective   pilots. I need not only good sticks, but pilots who can teach. Masher Malloy and Bear Barnes and' probably some Air Force types as well. Even some Brits."
           "Sounds good. But where are the Saudis going to find enough pilots like that? There aren't many in my situation-unmarried, free to pick up and move. Not many airline captains or pilots with other careers will go running off to Arabia."
           "Fatah people have been very thorough over the past couple years," Bennett replied. ''They've saved us a lot of time with groundwork, not just with instructors but with facilities over there. Most of the work will be done by the time we arrive."
           Both men knew that the kind of talent they needed was rare. Instructor pilots with sufficient experience and willingness were few and far between. There were a few score in the Free World: men with combat in their logbooks, still young enough and unencumbered enough to uproot themselves for this type of challenge. Fewer still would be capable of living and working in a strict Muslim nation for years at a time.
           Lawrence said, "John, what about your boy Paul? What does he know about all this?"
           "I spent most of a weekend with him in Tempe last month. He's gotten a girl pregnant and they say they're going to get married. Well, I guess we all have to learn the hard way. At least he doesn't have AIDS. I told him I wouldn't stand in his way, but he couldn't count on me for help. I told him I'd be doing consulting work out of the country and probably wouldn't be around very regularly."
           Lawrence fingered an ice cube. "Geez, that's rough."
           Bennett leaned back. "Oh, it's not as bad as it might seem. I'm helping with his tuition and he has a partial scholarship. What I didn't tell him is that the Saudis are establishing a trust for him and the baby instead of paying me. It'll be administered by a family friend here in San Diego." Bennett glanced out the window again, looking at the two carriers. "What about you? When can you break loose from the airline and the Reserves?"
           "Far as the line goes, I'll finish this month's schedule. That's less than two weeks. I can resign from the Reserves anytime."
           "Is that going to cause problems, create bad feelings? I mean, it's mighty short notice."
           The redhead shrugged. "In words of one syllable, who the hell cares? For twelve years I was an underpaid fighter pilot. Now I'm an overpaid airline pilot. I look forward to being an overpaid fighter pilot, the best of all possible worlds."
           Bennett raised his glass. "Short war."
           Lawrence clicked his glass against Bennett's. "Short war." The traditional warrior's toast.
           At that moment a blond man in a business suit walked up to the table. "Excuse me, are you John Bennett?" Neat, professional man. Calm demeanor. Oh, God, Bennett thought. Not FBI.
           "Yes, I'm Bennett."
           The stranger reached inside his suit coat. He's going to show me his damn badge. We're had. But I haven't done anything.
           The stranger produced a color photograph. "Do you recognize this, Commander Bennett?"
           It was a green figurine of a pregnant female. "Why, yes. Are you- - -“
           "Mr. Fatah sent me. He has learned that you and he are under discrete surveillance by some Middle Eastern people." The stranger's eyebrows rose suggestively. "I was sent to keep the meeting."
           Bennett asked the man to sit down, conscious that the stranger had not offered his name. Bennett introduced Lawrence, who clearly wondered what he had stumbled into.
           "Gentlemen, you won't see me again so names don't matter." He placed an envelope on the table. "Mr. Fatah is at the number on the envelope. You are to call him there from any phone except your

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