Ride with Me

Ride with Me by Chelsea Camaron, Ryan Michele Page B

Book: Ride with Me by Chelsea Camaron, Ryan Michele Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chelsea Camaron, Ryan Michele
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babies were getting what they needed, even though you didn’t know it. But the ones I’m going to give you are high in folic acid. It helps the babies grow.”
    “What do I need to do?” Princess asks.
    “Rest, sleep. Those are two big things. The further along in your pregnancy you go, the larger you will get and the more you’ll need to lug around. You’ll want to walk, though, and keep your blood flow going. Then rest.”
    The image of Princess round with two of my babies makes me hard as fuck.
    “Sex. What about having sex?” I ask quickly.
    The doctor laughs. “You know, so many men ask that. Sex is perfectly fine, but when her belly grows, you’ll need to find creative ways to go about it. And then she will be tired a lot, so sex may not be in the cards further down the road as much as it probably is now.”
    “Then we need to get home so we can make up for lost time,” I tell the doctor, who blushes. Princess smacks me on the arm. “What? It’s true.”
    Princess smiles, shaking her head, and mutters, “Super sperm.”
    Jill and the doctor finish up, leaving Princess with a prescription for vitamins.
    I watch as she gets dressed, and the minute she does, I envelop her in my arms.
    “Fucking twins, baby!” I kiss her hard and long. If we weren’t in a fucking doctor’s office, I would fuck her right now. But this place smells like disinfectant, and I want the fuck out of here.
    “I can’t believe it,” she says on a gasp. “To be pregnant, but then to be pregnant with twins … Holy shit, Cruz.” She shakes her head in disbelief.
    “I really can’t believe it, either, but we’ll roll with it, babe. That’s all we can do.”

    Coop climbs up on my lap, which makes me wonder how long he will be able to do that. He’s only in kindergarten, but still. My belly will probably become monstrous with two babies inside.
    Twins. I can’t fucking believe it. It’s exciting and scary all wrapped into one.
    I have to wait a couple of days before I find out if all the blood work came back normal. I pray it does. If I hurt these babies at all, I’m not sure I could live with myself. It would be like ripping my guts out of my body.
    “I’s payed a wedder game and runneded outside,” Cooper explains his day, giving me every last detail, and I let him talk. I love hearing everything he did throughout the day. It’s interesting to hear how he perceives things and processes them in that tiny, little brain of his.
    After leaving the office, we picked up my prescription then came home to celebrate before picking Cooper up from school. Now is the time to tell him. I wonder how his brain will process this.
    “Daddy and I have something to tell you,” I say, kissing Cooper on top of the head.
    I pull out one of the pictures the doctor let us take from the appointment today. It’s grainy, but if you look super close, you can see the two heads. “This is your new baby brother or baby sister.”
    He looks at me questioningly, and I shake my head. I’m not explaining this right.
    “Well, buddy,” I try again, “it’s actually two babies, but we don’t know if they are boys or girls yet.”
    The doctor said we will be able to see the sex of the babies in another month or so.
    “Welly?” Cooper’s eyes widen. “I’s gonna be a big brudder?”
    “Yep. How do you feel about that?” I ask while Cruz sits quietly, observing the exchange.
    “I pay with dem!” he squeals excitedly.
    “Yep, you sure can, but they’ll be little at first, like baby Deke. They’ll need to grow before you can play monster trucks.” Cruz wraps his arm around me, obviously loving Cooper’s enthusiasm over having more kids in the house. We both wanted more kids, but twins? If they are anything like Coop, we are going to have a run for our money.
    “Otay!” he screams and scurries off my lap. “I get nak.” Off he goes, like his world isn’t about to be turned upside down. Not in a bad way, but the

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