Ride with Me

Ride with Me by Chelsea Camaron, Ryan Michele Page A

Book: Ride with Me by Chelsea Camaron, Ryan Michele Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chelsea Camaron, Ryan Michele
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will allow us to see what’s going on inside of Harlow on that screen there.” She points to a television monitor.
    Fuck. I say nothing more.
    “Harlow, we’re going to start. She’s going to be moving the wand all around inside there to get the best views. Sometimes, you’ll have to hold your breath for a second, and sometimes, it won’t be the most comfortable, but it won’t hurt.”
    “Let’s do it,” Princess says, lying on the table, her eyes glued to the monitor.
    I move to the other side of the bed so I can be near Princess and see the screen.
    “I’m entering,” Jill says as the fuzziness on the screen pops up.
    I see nothing but little lines of black and white. How in the hell Jill or the doctor sees anything in this is beyond me.
    “There he or she is,” Jill says, just as the doctor comes to the screen and points at it.
    The screen pauses, and the doctor moves up to it. All I see is a black and white blur.
    She points then makes a circle with her fingers. “This is the head and this”—she moves her finger to the left a bit—“is the body.”
    Holy shit! I can see it, but I can’t. It still looks like a blob of mess, but I can see the outline. I grab Princess’ hand, but her eyes don’t leave the screen that is now in motion again.
    “These are the arms and these the legs.”
    Jill does some clicking things and then types on the keyboard in front of the screen as she continues to move around inside Princess’ body. She then stills it and says, “This is your baby’s heartbeat.”
    A whooshing sound enters the room as little lines on the screen go up and down. I squeeze Princess’ hand, and she reciprocates. That’s our baby. Holy fuck, it’s happening. Excitement burns through me.
    “Harlow, from the looks of it, you are more like three months pregnant. Maybe even three and a half. Out of the first trimester.”
    The grip on my hand tightens to almost painful.
    “Seriously? What does that mean for the baby?” Princess asks.
    “It just means that you’re further along than you thought.”
    “Uh, doctor?” Jill says, and Princess tenses at the tone.
    The doctor looks at the monitor, a smile brimming her face. “Well, look right here.” She points to the screen again where another image shows. “Looks like one baby wasn’t enough. It looks like you have twins in there.”
    Twins? Holy fucking shit. I feel lightheaded and need to shake my head to get it together.
    “What!” Princess exclaims, as astonished as I am.
    The doctor points to the screen again. “Right here is another baby. You’re going to have twins.”
    “Holy fucking shit,” Princess murmurs, her eyes wide when she turns to me. “You and your damn super sperm,” she chastises, and the women in the room laugh.
    I chuckle. “Told you I wanted kids.” I shrug with zero remorse.
    “But I was on the pill. How can I have not one but two babies?” Princess questions.
    “We like to think that birth control is one hundred percent effective, but it never is. You have the possibility of getting pregnant any time you have sex.”
    Princess smacks me on the arm, and I feign hurt, but the smile on my face is broad.
    “Damn super sperm.” But the smile on her face tells me she’s teasing and happy as hell. She’s happy.
    “Having twins puts a different spin on things,” the doctor cuts in. “You’ll start to show in the next week or so and will continue to grow. You have two babies in there wanting space. Most twins are born between thirty-four and thirty-six weeks because there isn’t enough room in there.”
    “Will they be okay coming out that early?” Princess asks.
    “Most of the time, their lungs are fully developed at thirty-four weeks. If something should happen and they come earlier, we’ll cross that bridge when it happens. We need to get you on prenatal vitamins today.”
    “I’ve been taking a multi-vitamin every day,” Princess tells her.
    “That’s good. Really good. That means your

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