
Rhonda+Nelson+-+The+Soldier by Unknown

Book: Rhonda+Nelson+-+The+Soldier by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
shock and pleasure lanced through her. He rubbed against her while pushing
    up and the combination of the two made her entire body sizzle with sensation. She felt the
    beginning flash of an orgasm tingle in her womb and, like a hound catching a glimpse of a rabbit,
    her focus instantly narrowed. She rode him harder, panting, desperate and utterly driven by the
    need bearing down on her.
    He bent forward and suckled her once more, rubbed her once, twice, a third time…
    And then bliss.
    For both of them.
    The orgasm burst upon her like a rogue wave, taking her under, then lifting her back up. She
    tightened around him and her mouth opened in a long silent scream. Her back went straight as
    the convulsions pulsed through her, on and on, until finally only tremors remained and she
    collapsed, spent, against his chest.
    Adam drew delicious circles on her back. “Wow,” he said, shifting so that he could tuck her
    against his side. She winced as her back hit the cool tile.
    “What?” he asked, instantly concerned. “Did I hurt you?”
    “No,” she said, cuddling closer to him. “The floor’s cold.”
    Seemingly relieved, the frown vanished. He quickly snagged a paper towel from the open
    cabinet near his head, and disposed of the condom.
    “Tell me about it,” he told her, humor back in his voice.
    She laughed. “I didn’t hear you complaining before,” she said, feeling more safe and secure than
    she ever had in her life. Why did he affect her like this? Why did she only ever feel completely
    protected in his arms?
    His chuckle rumbled under her cheek. “Who said I was complaining. I’d put my back against a
    block of ice if it meant we would do that again.”
    She grinned. “You know there’s a freezer in the back, right?”
    He slung an arm over his forehead. “Bring it on. I’m ready.”
    Winnie leaned over him, opened the pastry case and filched a petit four. “Want one?” she asked.
    “To start,” he said, popping the entire thing in his mouth.
    “Tsk. Tsk. You’re going to choke.”
    “Not if you get me something to drink, too,” he hinted.
    Winnie licked the tiny rose off the top of another petit four, savoring the sugar on her tongue. “I
    don’t know if you’ve noticed this or not, but I’m naked. If I stand up to pour you a glass of tea,
    I’m going to flash every person who happens to peer through my plate-glass window.”
    His eyes darkened appreciatively and she felt his gaze drop to her breasts. “Believe me, I’ve
    A flush of pleasure washed over her cheeks.
    “So…I was thinking we should take off for a couple of days.
    Would that be doable for you?”
    Winnie blinked, surprised. Take off? What did he mean? “What?”
    Adam slipped a finger along the top of her breast, seemingly mesmerized by its shape. “We’ve
    only got two days left,” he said. “It’s my fault for wasting time, but…I don’t want to miss
    another minute with you before I—” He hesitated. “—leave.”
    His gaze searched hers, waiting for her answer.
    Two whole days with Adam? All to herself? Winnie knew this wasn’t a promise, but it was as
    close to one as she ever expected to get. She felt a slow smile move over her lips and the sheer
    happiness of this moment made her almost giddy.
    “I’ve, uh…” She thought about what she needed to do. “I’ve got a couple of cakes I need to
    make, but Jeanette and Lizzie should be able to handle everything else.” She smiled at him.
    “What did you have in mind?”
    “Doesn’t matter,” Adam said, threading his fingers through hers.
    “I just want to breathe the
    same air as you.”
    Her heart danced. That was quite possibly the nicest, most romantic thing anybody had ever said
    to her, Winnie thought as a lump formed in her throat.
    “We could beach it tomorrow?” he suggested. “And then take a ride up to McKinney Point?”
    She grinned, pleased that he’d remembered. Winnie made a mental note to drag Adam’s old

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