Rewind (Vanish Book Three)
sleep, and I laid awake staring out the window. My eyelids
got heavy; I hadn’t seen any sign of them in a while. I closed my
eyes and when I opened them, someone was in the hallway, right
outside your room. I couldn’t be certain that this was the person
that had been following me; in fact, they looked rather… harmless.
She wore a white dress; she had long brown hair, and she told me
that if I followed her, everything would be okay.” White dress,
brown hair, she looked harmless—it was the woman who was sent to
kill me.
    “ So she’s the one who killed
    “ No,” she said simply. “I
followed her down the street, and into the woods. I couldn’t help
it; it was as if I had no choice in the matter. Anyway, someone
else was waiting—it was the nurse, the one from Meadowbrook. They
tied me up to a tree; I couldn’t move. The girl in the dress pulled
out a knife, and the nurse slapped her across the face. She was
screaming about how they couldn’t kill me that way. She said there
could be no wounds. The nurse grabbed the knife and stabbed the
girl over and over. Then she untied me and took me to a small river
that wasn’t too far away…”
    “ So you were
    “ Yes, and the girl in the
white dress took over my body.”
    “ I miss you,” I whispered,
as a single tear streamed down my cheek.
    “ We are going to be best
friends, that is one thing that won’t change,” she smiled. “Good
night,” she said as she walked up the stairs.
    I grabbed the sleeping bags, a couple
of blankets, and two pillows. I heard footsteps coming down the
stairs. It was Allison.
    “ Oh, do you know where Grace
is?” she asked.
    “ She just went upstairs,” I
answered. She went to turn around and go back up, but I stopped
her, “hey Allison?”
    “ Yeah?”
    “ Can I talk to you for a
    “ Sure,” she said, sounding
    “ Have you seen anything
lately, anything that might have something to do with the Alliance
    “ Sometimes it’s hard to tell
where my visions take place. Sometimes I even see from another
person’s perspective…”
    “ So you haven’t seen
anything that might have to do with the Alliance?”
    “ It’s like my power stopped
working,” she sighed. “The past few days, whenever I close my eyes,
I can’t breathe, and sometimes when I close my eyes all I see is
water, it’s like I’m underwater….”
    “ Just try and get a good
night’s sleep,” I smiled.
    “ Alright, thanks
    I picked up the blankets,
pillows and sleeping bags, and went outside to see Dante. It was
dark out already, but his fire lit up the backyard with an eerie,
orange glow.
    He was sitting in a fold up chair, and
he had another lying on the ground. He didn’t see me coming; he
looked miserable. I set everything in the tent that he had already
assembled. Then I picked up the chair and sat next to
    “ Hey, were you expecting
someone?” I joked.
    “ Yeah, you.”
    “ Well, here I am. I’m sorry
it took so long I—”
    “ What are we going to
    “ I—I don’t know… I guess I’m
going to go in alone, see what’s going on, and find out where they
all are. Then you guys come in.”
    “ Why are you going in
alone?” he asked.
    “ Because I can go
invisible,” I laughed. “I think that’s what Cooper and Lily’s—well,
my—grandpa meant. He said I would have to go in alone. I don’t know
how he knew, but—“
    “ No, I know, but… I could go
with you.” He held his hand out.
    “ Yeah, I guess you could,
but you’d have to be careful,” I said as I grabbed his hand. We
both disappeared and with the fire glowing next to us, Dante had an
amazing orange outline. I went to let go of his hand, but he held
on tighter.
    “ We should do something
amazing tonight, something we’ve never done before.”
    “ Like what?” I
    “ I don’t know. I’ve just
been thinking about tomorrow, and I think I’m having an adrenaline

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