Return of the Ascendant (The Ascendant Series)
heard the thought.
    “Time to go,” Sem said, unbuckling his seatbelt and standing up. He stretched in the aisle. “Damn, it feels good to get out of that seat.”
    Kyra held Ty’s gaze for a prolonged moment, hoping he’d give her some sign that they’d either kissed or hadn’t. But he unbuckled his seatbelt and rose, leaving her without an answer. Knowing the time for conversation had passed, she unbuckled her seatbelt and climbed into the aisle after him. He walked in front of her and Sem followed close behind her.
    She wanted to thank the flight crew, but Ty tugged her out the door and down the stairs before she could. Irritated, she tried to pull away from him.
    “There’s such a thing as manners, Ty,” she snapped. “The flight crew helped us out when we needed it. Why can’t I thank them?”
    “Because you are Ma’jah Kyr.”
    “So I’m a rude and ungrateful bitch?”
    He stopped walking when they reached the bottom of the stairs. Catching her gaze, he said, “Historically, yes.”
    Sem’s laughter rang out as he stepped off the stairs. Kyra looked between the two guys and wanted to punch both of them. Ty’s response hurt her more than she wanted to admit, so she latched onto her anger.
    “Let go of me, Dem-Shyr TaeDane,” she ordered in a voice that carried. “Now.”
    He didn’t seem to know how to react. His mouth opened, but he didn’t speak. She felt his grip tighten on her arm and then release.
    Interesting, she mused. And good to know.
    Turning on her heel, she marched up the stairs. She tried to ignore the wide-eyed looks she was getting from the pilot and flight attendant as she approached. She stopped when she was a few steps from the top. If nothing else, Ty’s overly cautious attitude had taught her not to get too close to anyone who could possibly harm her.
    “Forgive me for exiting so quickly,” she said, looking between them. “I neglected to thank you for your service.”
    Both of them bowed. “It was our honor, Ma’jah,” the pilot said.
    “Anything you need, Ma’jah,” echoed the flight attendant.
    Since they remained in deep bows and she didn’t know what else to say, she turned back around and walked back down the stairs. Every moment of that had felt awkward, but she was glad she did it.
    Rude and ungrateful bitch? She didn’t think so.
    She kept her chin held high and tried to march past Ty, but he took her arm in a way that told her she wouldn’t be escaping him this time. Cutting her losses, she didn’t fight him.
    She still wanted to punch him, though.
    The more she thought about it, the more she was convinced the whole “about to be a kiss” scene in her head had been a misguided daydream on her part. She’d woken up practically drooling on the guy, and he was undeniably hot. Her attraction had been immediate, so it made sense that when her libido kicked in, it bee-lined right into a fantasy involving him. There was no way a guy as unemotional and single-minded as Ty was would ever get intimately involved with her. She couldn’t imagine him intimately involved with anyone .
    She was distracted from her thoughts as they walked into the airport. “Where are we?” she asked.
    “Orlando,” Sem said.
    “Really? Can we go to Disney World or Universal Studios?”
    “No,” Ty said.
    She rolled her eyes. The guy absolutely couldn’t take a joke. Of course they weren’t going to take time to visit the theme parks. Still, it was a little disappointing. She’d always wanted to visit Orlando. Now she was there and wouldn’t be able to enjoy it.
    They made their way to the terminal, taking a nearly empty tram from the gates and heading towards baggage claim. She didn’t know why, since they had no luggage. When they reached the bottom of a group of escalators, she understood.
    A man dressed all in black stood among a handful of drivers, carrying a whiteboard reading, “Al Ametria.”
    “Subtle,” she murmured to Sem, who grinned.
    Ty walked right up

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