Restless (Relentless Series Book 2)

Restless (Relentless Series Book 2) by Alyson Reynolds Page B

Book: Restless (Relentless Series Book 2) by Alyson Reynolds Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alyson Reynolds
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that he’s just standing back to see what’s going to happen between you two before making his move.”
    “You’re ridiculous. I like Rhys as a friend. There’s some sexual tension between us, but obviously I won't act on it. I don’t want a love triangle. In fact I’ll do anything to not have a triangle. And what makes you think he will make a move?”
    “Who’s a triangle?” Jaxon asked as he came in the door.
    “Good lord,” I mumbled. "No one."
    “Okay,” he drawled.
    Violet took another sip. She wouldn’t make eye contact with me. Oh god, she had talked about this with Jax.
    “Mother fucker. Really, Vi?”
    “Language,” Jaxon said smirking. "And he's going to make a move."
    “I needed someone to talk to about it. And at least Jax had already met him," she defended.
    I gathered up my laptop. “You. Suck," I said pointing at each of them with each word.
    “But you still love me,” she called out to my back as I stormed out of the room.
    "That's debatable!" I yelled. The sound of hers and Jaxon's soft laughter filtered down the hall. It was time for me to go running.

It was a perfect, blue sky day. Violet and I lay out on a huge beach blanket watching Jax, Gage and Stephen surfing. Things were still tense between Stephen and me, but we weren't fighting today. I had been surprised when he showed up that morning, but I was willing to try to be around him. We had said we wanted to catch up soon.
    It was always amazing to see three incredibly attractive, talented actors blend in with every other surfer out on the beach. Last year when they were all working on the set, they would constantly sneak off to surf each morning. I looked out into the ocean and watched as they took turns catching waves.
    Violet grabbed my hand and squeezed. “I’m glad you came out. Getting out of the house is good for you.”
    I smiled. “Me too. It’s exactly what I needed.”
    We watched them for a few more minutes in silence and memories swirled around in my head. “Do you remember the time Stephen was attempting to teach me to surf, and the board came up and cut my eyebrow? I had a shiner for three weeks and it hurt like hell.”
    “I remember that. Stephen carried you up to the sand. When he got the blood stopped he took you to the ER. He stayed calm until the doctor told you that you had to have stitches. He blamed himself you know.”
    “It wasn’t his fault. I’m just not made for surfing.”
    She laughed. “That’s an understatement Taylor. He’s been trying to teach you to surf for the better part of a decade and you still can’t figure it out.”
    I stuck my tongue out at her.
    “I think that was the day I fell in love with him.”
    Vi cocked her head. “Why then?”
    I stared out at the ocean while I thought back to Stephen holding my hand while the doctor put in those eight stitches. He kissed my forehead so softly afterwards. The board had given me a concussion when it flew up and hit me. He stayed with me for over twenty-four hours making sure he woke me up and took care of me. That was the first time he had ever kissed me.
    “I don’t know. Being eighteen was simple.”
    “Running away was easy," Vi countered.
    “Maybe it was, but at least I never got hurt.”
    She sighed and looked over at me. “You never let him get close enough to hurt you.”
    I stubbornly stared at the guys in front of us, not looking at my big sister. “Like I am now?”
    “Its fine, Vi. The only thing I want is to be with him, but all we do is hurt one another. So you tell me, what kind of relationship is that? Did you ever think that might be the reason I push him away?”
    She was quiet for a few minutes. “If it’s any consolation, all he wants is to be with you too. If you would quit being so damn stubborn maybe, just maybe, it would actually work between the two of you.”
    I leaned back onto the sand and closed my eyes. Tears leaked from the corners of my closed eyes and I threw my arm over

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