Renegade Rising (The Renegade Series)
because Falcon’s reflexes were in another league.
    The Renegade swirled his sword in a figure eight fashion, completing each rotation faster than Ricard could draw back and thrust his sword forward. Ricard understood that Falcon was feeling him out, first for power, then footwork and now handiwork. He knew now where Falcon had the advantage. Because of this, he forced him to switch to the next stage. The historic writings of the Renegades and Flarians made them seem like mindless berserkers. Could the books be wrong? Ricard gritted his teeth as Falcon now held the upper hand and went on the offensive.
    What is going on? Ricard thought. The reports never mentioned Flarians or Renegades fighting in this manner. And yet, here one stands with a highly controlled disposition. In a mere thirty seconds he has felt me out and found an advantage! Every strike has rage and power behind it, but . . . it is not mindless, it’s controlled! What is going on?
    Essence, footwork, handiwork. These were three requirements for every Elekai’ warrior. But there was one more and Ricard switched to it quickly. It was time to move the focus to technique and here he knew he had the Renegade outclassed. The amount of material exclusively for him, the general, was nearly limitless. When he wasn’t training his body, Ricard devoted hours of his time to technique, studying everything available to him, pulling from various sources and forging his own signature methods.
    Ricard managed a quick dodge and then struck out with a wild attack, causing a fierce backlash, which sent both men flying backward in opposite directions. Both fighters landed neatly on their feet and Ricard mentally praised himself. The first part to his strategy had worked. He now had the distance he needed to unleash his first technique. For the first time in decades, Ricard felt unsure of victory. A repressed anxiety surfaced and washed over him. Strangely enough, he loved it. Never had he faced an opponent like Falcon before. The uncertainty made the general feel alive once again, as a true smile of joy stretched across the warrior's face. He gripped his handle a little tighter and called upon the essence needed to unleash his inner powers. As always, he loved the tingling, tickling sensation in his veins as he did so.
    Ricard first thrust out a temporary wall of ice, as transparent as glass, to prevent Falcon from interfering with his technique. The Renegade watched with care as Ricard cut a circle in the ground with his sword's tip, surrounding his body. Upon completion of the circle, hot steam shot from the cuts in the ground in a loud hissing noise, surrounding the general in a thick, steaming fog. Falcon and the crowd watched the fog swirl round and round to form eight needle-like shapes in the air. The needles began to swell and form into hefty icicles, all with extremely sharp points at each end. The spear-like tapers began to revolve around Ricard in a tight circle as the wall of ice melted away, replaced by this odd new protection. What was even more eerily mesmerizing was that within the core of each icicle, the same steaming fog substance swirled like tiny caged tornados.
    “I have studied the abilities of the Flarian for years, Renegade. Out of all of us, it was you who specialized in the use of heat to torment your foes. You were practically built with the ability to destroy life. It is safe to assume, should one wish to burn their victims, that one would need to acquire fire. We humanoids are so very fragile to heat, after all. Even the metallic armor we wear can be melted into liquid form at the proper temperature. Yes, heat is the universal weakness of life, but who said fire was the only substance to emit it most effectively? The common man realizes that fire, like everything else, can be snuffed out with water - but that is just so boring.
    “Some say water gives life, while fire takes it. From this logic, a common belief was formed and the Flarians were

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