Intentions of the Earl

Intentions of the Earl by Rose Gordon

Book: Intentions of the Earl by Rose Gordon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rose Gordon
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countless number of suitors she had
back in New York.” Carolina paused. “I even heard her recount the
story just last fall to that Davis boy we all thought she’d marry.
They both found it highly amusing.”
    “Perhaps this time it’s different. Mayhap she
has stronger feelings for this one,” John said, concern filling his

Chapter 8
    Andrew wondered when his life had turned into
a giant game. The worst part was he didn’t know what piece in the
game he was playing: the pawn or the master manipulator. It all
depended on which other players were present at the time. For now,
he was going to play the manipulator, again.
    Andrew had been searching for his friend Alex
Banks for more than an hour before he finally found him at his
club, sitting at a table and reading a newspaper.
    “Alex,” Andrew called to his friend, catching
his attention.
    “Ho there, old chap,” Alex countered.
    Alex really was a good sort, even if he did
talk, and act, like a simpleton at times. He was highly
intelligent, but he often missed the obvious, especially when it
was staring him in the face.
    They’d vaguely known each other at Eton. But
Andrew’s friendship with Benjamin at the time came at a cost:
Benjamin selected his friends for him.
    At Cambridge things changed. By that time he
no longer felt obligated to be friends with Benjamin (who didn’t
even attend University), Andrew made his own friends, one of which
was Alex.
    After school, they'd continued to be friends.
They traveled together for a while at first, then came back to
London and stepped into their roles, Andrew as an earl and Alex a
mere mister who was the heir to his father’s barony.
    Andrew took a seat at the table where Alex
was reading his newspaper. “I heard your father is throwing a house
party.” No point in beating around the bush.
    Alex didn’t even bat an eyelash at Andrew’s
obvious angling for an invitation. “You heard right. Are you
looking for an invitation, Andrew?” At Andrew’s nod Alex remarked,
“This is a respectable party, Andrew, there will be no skirt
chasing, clear?”
    Andrew swallowed hard before nodding
    “I knew I didn’t have to worry about you. You
have never been a despoiler of innocents, but I do have some
cousins that will be there so I just had to make sure you
    Andrew felt those words like a punch to the
gut. He now realized that he was going to lose even more than he
initially thought when this was all over. The few friends he had
now would also be gone forever, Alex included. Alex was not likely
to forgive a man who deliberately hurt a member of his family,
particularly ruining an innocent young lady.
    “No worries there,” Andrew said roughly. “I’m
just looking for something to do for a while. If I meet a woman
that I want to make my countess, well, it will just be good luck on
my part,” he added jovially.
    Alex eyed him skeptically, then snorted. “You
had me going there for a minute, you finding a countess, that’s
    Andrew stiffened. “What does that mean?”
    “Oh, don’t get all worked up. It meant
nothing really. It’s just that you are a bachelor. Always have
been, always will be,” Alex said with a shrug.
    It wouldn’t do for Andrew to contradict this.
If Alex thought he was a lifelong bachelor then he wouldn’t be
concerned overmuch with Andrew being in Brooke’s company.
    “You’re right, I am not the marrying kind,”
Andrew agreed. “I had better be off.”
    Andrew picked up his hat and departed.
Walking home he couldn’t help but think about how well things were
going for him. Pieces were moving into place better than he would
have imagined. If only he could get past his guilt, then everything
would be perfect.
    Benjamin Collins, Duke of Gateway, stared at
his guest. It wasn’t usual for her to visit, but he typically
welcomed it all the same. “What brings you here today, Lizzie?” he
asked, his voice lacking any

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