Reluctant Submission
ask you some questions. I’ll start with an
easy one. What do I do for a living?”
    “ You’re an escort,” Eric
    “ That’s right,” Jasmine
says. “I’m an escort. And what do escorts do?”
    “ They get paid to have
    “ Exactly. Now, who does an
escort get paid by?”
    “ The person they’re having
sex with.”
    “ Right again,” she says.
“Their clients. Now, with that in mind, is it fair to say that the
more clients that call for a specific escort’s services, the more
money that escort will make?”
    Eric nods.
    “ So then how does an
escort get more men to call her?” Jasmine asks.
    “ By . . . being good at
their job?”
    “ Yes. And what constitutes
being good at your job if you’re an escort?”
    “ Making the client
    “ Bingo,” Jasmine says.
“The better job an escort does of making a client happy, the better
the chances are she’s going to get more calls from him. And if she
doesn’t make him happy, then she is in danger of losing him as a
client, right?”
    “ Right.”
    “ Good. Now do you think I
want to keep you as a client?”
    “ I hope so.”
    She gives him a look that she’d give a
five-year old. “Do you think I like money?”
    “ Yes.”
    “ And we’ve already
established that more clients equal more money, right?”
    “ Right,” Eric
    “ So I’ll ask you again, do
you think I want to keep you as a client?”
    “ Yes.”
    “ And how does an escort
keep their clients?”
    “ By making them
    Jasmine smiles at him and tilts her head
slightly. “So you see what I’m getting at, don’t you?”
    Eric nods.
    “ Now, I can’t promise you
that you’ll like it,” Jasmine says, “But so far I’ve never come
across anyone who hasn’t. And to a man they’ve ended up asking for
the same treatment on other occasions. There is just something very
liberating about giving yourself up to someone else, letting them
control you, allowing them to have their way with you. And not only
that, but it inevitably leads to better sex down the road
    “ Why’s that?”
    “ Because it tends to open
things up between people,” Jasmine says. “Being on the other side
of the equation brings a new appreciation to what the other person
is feeling and experiencing, which builds empathy. And the more
empathy two people have for each other, the better they’ll
communicate, and the better they communicate the more comfortable
they’ll be, and the more comfortable they are, the better the sex
will be.”
    “ I take it you’ve
experienced this phenomena before?” Eric says.
    “ Oh, I’ve been through it
a few times,” she says.
    “ I’ll bet you have,” he
says with a laugh and a shake of his head. “You’re something else,
you know that?”
    Jasmine raises her eyebrows twice in quick
succession. She knows. She definitely knows. A little smile teases
her lips. “So what do you say? Are you game?”
    Eric takes a deep breath, lets it out
slowly. “All right,” he says. “You convinced me. Let’s give it a
    She claps her hands and bounces on his lap a
couple of times, momentarily slipping out of her role in her
excitement. Or maybe it is just all part of the experience. Eric
isn’t sure.
    “ You won’t regret it,”
Jasmine says. “I promise. Not by the time we’re done.”
    Eric narrows his brow in concern.
    “ Don’t get me wrong,” she
says. “There are going to be moments when you’re not so sure, where
you’re going to think about tapping out, but just trust me. By the
end of the session, you’ll be begging for more. I guarantee
    “ If you say
    “ Oh, I do,” Jasmine says.
“I do. Now, about your little problem down below. Would you like a
little help with it?”
    “ Yes.”
    “ Yes what?” she asks. Now
that their conversation is over her tone takes on a harsher tone,
similar to the very beginning of the evening. Just like that, she’s
reverted back into dominatrix

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