Reluctant Date

Reluctant Date by Sheila Claydon

Book: Reluctant Date by Sheila Claydon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sheila Claydon
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a screwed up ball of paper at his retreating back
and then turned to Claire.   “I don’t come
in on Wednesdays or Fridays because that’s when I help Carl at the print shop.
All the major stuff can wait until I’m here of course, but there will still be
things you’ll have to deal with such as queries from the public, or where to
find a particular document.”
    Claire gave Beth her full attention. “I didn’t realize. I
guess I just thought you worked here while Carl ran his own business. I didn’t
know there was an overlap.”
    “That would be far too simple and straightforward for the
Marchant family,” Beth told her.   “No,
Carl runs his own print design business, and I share my time between him and
Daniel, that’s when I’m not acting as a buffer between them and their father!”
    Remembering her bitter remarks earlier in the day Claire
decided to steer the conversation towards Carl rather than his father. “What
sort of design work does he do?”
    “All the basic stuff, letterheads, leaflets, posters, that
sort of thing. Most of the local businesses use him now although it took us a
while to persuade them.   And Daniel uses
him too of course, so you’ll be working with him once you start to revamp some
of these leaflets with your photos.”
    She saw the panicked expression on Claire’s face and
grinned.   “Don’t worry. He won’t mention
THAT date!   Not if he knows what’s good
for him anyway.”
    Claire gave a relieved laugh.   “He seems to have dug himself into a deep
hole with you as well as Daniel over that.”
    “You better believe it!   Now are you going to let me take you through the admin system or not?”
    “I’m all yours,” Claire assured her as she turned her back
on the stuff Scott had given her and moved her chair across to Beth’s desk.

    * * *

    The rest of the day passed quickly, especially when, after a
hurried lunch of shared sandwiches, Scott took Claire through the program of
events he had penciled into the calendar for the forthcoming year. Fascinated
by such items as Horseshoe Crab Bonanza,
Down Upon the Suwanee River and Runway
Osprey, none of which meant anything at all to her, she realized that she
had a great deal to learn about the place that was to be her home for at least
the next few months.
    She and Scott were still discussing some of the details when
Daniel finally turned up.   Not aware she
had an audience, Claire was making a robust case for a change to one of the
puzzle books that had been produced for children.
    “Photographs would make it so much more interesting.   These line drawings are good but they don’t
have the punch of an actual picture. Children are fine with drawn illustrations
in story books but when it’s factual stuff they want real pictures of the
things they’re learning about.”
    “Told you she knew her stuff!” Daniel walked across the room
and picked up a copy of the booklet they were talking about, chuckling as he
did so.
    Scott nodded.   “It’s
exactly what I need.   A challenge.   No more do
what you think is best Scott, because we are all too busy to listen to you. ”
    “Are they really that bad?” Claire joined in with the
    “Worse!” Scott told her.   Then he cleared his desk by scooping all the papers into his drawer with
one sweep of his arm. “They’re quite good drinking companions though. Who’s for
a beer?”
    “Not me, I’ve got a house to run,” Beth had tidied her own
desk and now she picked up her bag and made for the door.  
    “As if!” Scott jeered at her retreating back.   “Everyone knows Carl does all the ironing and
the cooking.   You’re probably going home
to drape yourself across the sofa and watch him stir saucepans.”
    “Ah yes but I’m going to drape in a very supportive way,”
she grinned at them all, blew a kiss, and was gone.
    “How about you Claire?” Scott asked as he pushed back his
chair, stood up and stretched. “Can we welcome you to

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