Release: New Adult Sport Romance (Fire and Ice)

Release: New Adult Sport Romance (Fire and Ice) by Violet Vaughn

Book: Release: New Adult Sport Romance (Fire and Ice) by Violet Vaughn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Violet Vaughn
away, and he flutters kisses down my neck. “Kaleb, I’m ready for us to go all the way. I want you.”
    Hot breath speaks against my chest. “I’m all yours.” He continues down to my breast, but doesn’t stay there long. My stomach trembles and flexes as he gets down on his knees to nibble my belly. The action tickles a little, and I fight back my giggles. His nimble fingers slide my panties over my hips. He nips at my skin as his head continues down. Oh God, what is he doing?
    He parts my legs and his tongue licks my opening. A shock of pleasure surprises me, and I step back. “Oh, you don’t have to do that.” I’m grateful for the moonlight as embarrassment flushes my face.
    He chuckles. “I want to do that. I want to taste you, Lori.” He stands up and backs me toward the bed. “Lie down.”
    Before I can stop myself, I blurt out, “I’ve never done this before.” The bed sinks with a whoosh as I sit.
    Kaleb kneels down at the end and smiles up at me. “Well then, I think you’ll like it. Now lie down.” He puts my legs over his shoulders. He’s warm under my thighs, and the heat races to my core. I shake with fear and desire. “If you don’t like something, tell me.”
    A tiny “okay” slips through my lips. The moment his tongue touches me, a jolt of electricity zings through my body. I’m not quite sure what he’s doing, and I no longer care. The sensation is so intense my head swims as my body trembles. My hips lift toward him and a moan escapes. Oh God, I think. I. I push him away. My body won’t stop twitching. “It’s too much.”
    “It’s okay, babe. Let yourself go.” He says, “Scream for me.” He strokes me with a finger, and I fight another moan.
    His finger enters me, and he does something that renders me speechless. My core tightens around him repeatedly.
    “I want to hear you cry out. I want you to come,” Kaleb says. “I like it.” He puts his mouth on me again, and I slide into semiconsciousness. Waves crash over me one after another until I know I moan. The pleasure takes me higher than I’ve ever been before. Every muscle in my torso flexes, and I cry out.
    He releases me and small shudders travel through my body. “Oh. My. Word. Whatever you want, it’s yours.” I let out a big sigh. “Just take it. I can’t move.” I take in a deep breath and blow it out. “That was incredible. Please tell me it can happen again.”
    He chortles. “Oh, it’s going to happen again.” I watch as he removes his underwear. His erection is huge. Whoa. What am I supposed to do with that?
    My eyes must have widened because he looks confused. “I thought you said you’ve been with someone before?”
    “I have. But… You’re huge.” I slide myself back on the bed to lean against the headboard.
    He growls softly. “Now it’s my turn to say whatever you want, it’s yours.”
    Recovering from my shock I say, “Good. Come here.” My first orgasm that didn’t involve my own hand, and now I’m a brazen hussy? I think I’ll just go with it.
    I reach for his thick length and stroke it. “Do you want me to…?” I look down at his lap.
    “Oh, babe, no. I didn’t go down on you so you’d do it for me. You can learn how to do that some other time. When you want to.”
    “But I do know how.” Oh shit. I sure know how to screw things up. I close my eyes and let out a sigh. I have to tell him about Lucas.
    Kaleb cups my cheek with his hand. I smell my own musk. “I don’t think I want to know about the guy you were with before me. He sounds selfish.”
    You have no idea, I think. I turn and kiss his palm. Rising up on my knees, I straddle his lap. His hardness is against my belly as I kiss him. His tongue thrusts into my mouth and I melt into him. I taste myself and the foreign hint of sweetness turns me on. Heat radiates to my core, and my body begs for him.
    He flips me on to my back and looks down at me. “Talk to me.” His thumb rubs my nipple. “What do you

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