Reinventing Jane Porter
her to wriggle out of her damp panties. A hand slipped between her thighs, brushing her mound, making her cry out. She didn’t even know which one of them it was until Paul said,”I always knew you would be like this. Wet. Ready. Christ, Jess. I need to fuck you soon. I can hardly wait.”
    “I need to fuck you both,” Noah said, laughing.
    They laid her on her back, came together over her body, and the two men leaned in, closer, closer, until their lips met. It went through her like a shock, seeing them kiss. Male lips on male lips, and then they opened to each other, and she could just make out the wet flesh of tongues, heard their quiet moans. Her pussy was absolutely aching with need, and the longer she watched them kiss, the hotter she became. Just when she was sure she couldn’t stand it any longer, Noah reached down and cupped one of her breasts, used his fingers to tease the nipple. And Paul slipped one hand between her thighs.
    “Oh! God…”
    “Is that good, Jess?” Paul asked.”I want it to be good for you.”
    “Oh, yes. It’s good.” She could hardly speak through the desire lancing into her body. Her pussy throbbed. She needed him to really touch her, to push his fingers inside her.
    She arched her hips into Paul’s hand, her breast into Noah’s.
    “Our girl is needy,” Noah said, humor in his voice, but it was rough with lust too.
    “Let’s give her what she needs then,” Paul said.”Do you want us to go down on you, Jess? I’ve fantasized about that for years. I need to know what you taste like.”

    “Just do it. Please.”
    Was that her voice, so weak with desire? But she didn’t have a chance to think about it. Paul leaned in and spread her thighs wide, lowered his mouth. His breath was warm on her mound for one moment, then he used his fingers to massage the lips of her sex. Desire, hot, intense, danced over her skin. Then he spread her pussy until she was wide open and planted his mouth between her thighs.
    “God, Paul!”
    His mouth was wet, hot, his tongue diving into her, into that needy hole, and she was gasping. Noah’s hands were still on her breasts, kneading, tugging on her nipples.
    “Please what, Jessie?”
    “I need…I need it harder.”
    “Like this?”
    He pinched her nipples between his fingers, and she gasped.
    It was almost too much, her nipples burning with sensation, her pussy dripping and Paul lapping up her juices with his tongue. Pleasure upon pleasure, her body on fire. She squirmed, on the edge already. But it was too good to come just yet. She bit her lip, held back.
    Paul paused, lifting his head for one moment.”Come on, baby. Come for us.”
    For us.
    Oh, she was going to come any moment, despite her best efforts. She’d never felt anything like this.
    And she wanted to see them kiss again. She wanted them to fuck her, first one, then the other. She wanted to see them fuck each other. She wanted it all.
    “Come, Jessie. I want to hear you moan,” Noah said.”I want to hear you scream.”
    He twisted her nipples in his fingers, bent and took her mouth with his, his tongue pushing inside.
    And Paul was licking her, his tongue diving inside her pussy, then flicking at her clit. She arched into his face. She could barely stand it. And when he pulled her clit into his mouth, sucking, sucking, she came in a torrent of sensation. Exploding. Burning, fire spreading through her body in sharp currents.
    “Oh God!”
    She kept coming, sensation overload. She couldn’t stop. Paul’s hot mouth worked mercilessly between her thighs, Noah’s clever hands worked her nipples. She shuddered, pleasure pouring through her, until she was drowning in it, helpless.
    When it was over, they both held her, stroking her skin. She could smell desire in the air. Hers. Theirs.
    She wanted more.
    “I need to see you,” she told them.”I need to see you two together.”

    “Not a problem.” She could make out Noah’s slow, wicked

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