Reign In Life: 90 Powerful Inspirations For Extraordinary Breakthroughs

Reign In Life: 90 Powerful Inspirations For Extraordinary Breakthroughs by Joseph Prince Page A

Book: Reign In Life: 90 Powerful Inspirations For Extraordinary Breakthroughs by Joseph Prince Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joseph Prince
Tags: Grace, Joseph Prince, Devotional
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    This hurricane of swirling emotions took me on a six-month downward spiral of condemnation and oppression. It was the hardest time I have ever experienced. I felt so nauseated at the thought that I had lost my relationship with God that I lost fifteen pounds and couldn’t function properly .
    I tried everything that I thought I should be doing—praying, crying, pleading, casting out, and fasting. I searched the Bible looking for something to obey, because I was taught that my breakthrough was contingent on my obedience. I thought that since what I was going through was “radical oppression,” only “radical obedience” could pull me out of it. However, that only brought on a string of dead works that did nothing for me .
    During that period, I even thought that I was demon-possessed because I would have twisted, perverted thoughts about the people who were around me, and the more I tried to stop the thoughts, the worse they became. I got to the point where it was as if I could feel my life slowly draining away day by day. I had to garner all my strength just to go to work and get through the day. Then I’d just come home and cry on my bed. I thought I had lost everything .
    By the grace of God, I discovered Joseph Prince on his television program. I listened to sermon after sermon on grace—a message I had never heard before! I began to feel alive on the inside, with feelings of peace and joy. Better yet, I started to fall in love with this beautiful Jesus in ways that I had only dreamed about before! It was as if someone poured “miracle growth” onto my spiritual life. My eyes were opened to revelations I had never seen. Starving for God’s grace, I was brought closer to God than I ever thought possible!
    The condemning thoughts faded and the thoughts of failure changed to thoughts of God’s love for me. When I was trying to be a good Christian, I was only crawling along inch by inch, but now that I’ve got hold of grace, I am running in my relationship with God! My life has been radically changed by God’s love and the more I learn about God’s amazing grace, the more I desperately want to glorify Him with my life!
    My friend, do you see that there is a battle for your mind that can only be won through a revelation of Jesus and His grace? The power to break the enemy’s condemnation that paralyzes and holds you back from enjoying a truly intimate relationship with God comes the moment you believe the gospel of grace. The simple truth is that Christ is your righteousness, your obedience, your sanctification, and your justification. Ignore the enemy’s accusations and keep your eyes on the beautiful one, Jesus, who has accomplished it all for you!
    Today’s Thought
    Having an intimate relationship with God and experiencing breakthroughs are not contingent on my perfect obedience, but on my believing that Jesus alone is my righteousness and justification .
    Today’s Prayer
    Father, I thank You that the gospel is all about Jesus and what He has done for me. It’s not about me and my obedience or failures, what I do or don’t do. By Your grace I will win the battle for my mind and cast down every wrong belief that keeps me bound in legalism and self-condemnation. Thank You for showing me that You have already forgiven me and that You always see me righteous in Christ. I believe that as I fill my mind with Your love and new covenant truths, I will be radically changed for Your glory. Amen .
    But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For He Himself is our peace, who has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of separation .
    E PHESIANS 2:13–14
    “In righteousness you shall be established; you shall be far from oppression, for you shall not fear; and from terror, for it shall not come near you.”
    I SAIAH 54:14

DAY 32
    Establish Your Heart in God’s Grace
    Today’s Scripture
    And you, being dead in your trespasses and the

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