
Redoubt by Mercedes Lackey

Book: Redoubt by Mercedes Lackey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mercedes Lackey
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the Palace. Some folk who were
dressed in very fine clothing began to sort themselves into a contra-dance, but this
     seemed to be not to the taste of the more refined, who drifted back to the gardens.
    While they had been watching, Mags had also been debating with himself about revealing
     Bear’s plan to Amily. She was, after all, one of the cleverest people he knew. But
     on the other hand, would she consider herself bound to tell her father?
    :What do you think?:
he asked Dallen, as they moved out of the courtyard and back toward the trees and
     some shade.
:Should I talk to her about it? Or not?:
    :Bear didn’t specifically ask you to keep it in confidence,:
Dallen observed.
:But I am not at all sure that he would want you to tell anyone else, either. He seemed
     reluctant even to discuss it with you, and I got the impression he hadn’t talked with
     anyone else. Thinking about it, I don’t think you should, until you can ask him whether
     he wants you to keep it quiet.:
    That squared with Mags’ own thoughts on the matter.
:But what do you think?:
he asked Dallen, as the three of them walked toward Companion’s Field, which seemed
     like a good place to go for now.
:I mean, you’ve got a lot of experience, and you’ve never been backward about giving
     me an opinion before.:
    :About Bear and Lena? I am impressed they have been thinking about their situation.
     I approve of being proactive. It’s a solution, this idea of getting married. I simply
     haven’t yet made up my mind about whether it is a good solution or not.:
    Mags felt a little anxious.
:You think it’s not?:
If Dallen didn’t like it—well, he might go talking to Rolan about it, and then there
     was no telling what would happen.
    But Dallen’s reply both surprised and pleased him a little.
:Actually I think it is, I just want to make sure I have uncovered all the possible
     negatives before I say so.:
    “A copper for your thoughts,” Amily said cheerfully. “Because if I were a jealous
     sort of person I would want to know why they weren’t centered on me.”
    He laughed. “Nothin’ interesting. I was thinkin’ about that rope dancer, wonderin’
     how long it’d take me t’learn that sort of thing, an’ if I would ever need to run
     out on a rope that way myself.”
    “Knowing you?” She made a face. “Probably.”
    They bantered a bit more, with part of Mags’ mind still thinking about how the rope
     dancer had performed her tricks and part of his mind mulling over Bear and Lena. And
     still another part of him thinking about how strange it seemed; once he had only ever
     been able to think of one thing at a time, and now he could think about two—
if you counted thinking about thinking about things—different subjects at once and
     still hold a good conversation with Amily.
    “Your Pa likely to want us to work again tonight?” he asked, finally. “’Cause I gotta
     help in the kitchen after dinner.”
    “He probably won’t know until then,” she told him, and shrugged, looking down at him
     from Dallen’s back. “If not, I want to see the fire jugglers and the barges. And if
     so, I still want to see them, if it can be managed.”
    “Wonder if Lena could wangle a place for us on the bridge with the musicians,” he
     said thoughtfully. “That would sure be a good place to watch. . . .”
    “What about
the bridge? Do you think anyone would think of that? The banks are sure to be crowded.”
     She patted Dallen’s neck. “It’s too bad you wouldn’t fit under there.”
    “Given that’s one’a Corwin’s favorite spots t’ hide when he reckons t’ get outa barracks
     cleanin’?” Mags chuckled. “I expect he’s already got his place staked out.”
    :I wonder,:
Dallen said suddenly, breaking his mental silence,
:if it wouldn’t be better for Lena and Bear to just find an accommodating priest and
     get married without asking permission first.:
    Mags blinked with surprise. That was the

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