RedKnife (Skin Walkers Book 2)

RedKnife (Skin Walkers Book 2) by Susan Bliler

Book: RedKnife (Skin Walkers Book 2) by Susan Bliler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Bliler
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him he was capable of acts no other Walker could accomplish.  Even his Grandfather had admitted he had no idea how far RedKnife’s powers would extend.  Before, he’d been fearful of testing his boundaries, but now, he was willing to try anything.
    Focusing, he listened to Cindy’s heart.  He felt its steady beat against his chest, slowing his breathing until his heartbeat matched hers.  Focusing on his body, he allowed the steady rhythm to throb in his fingers and pulse in his feet.  His brow furrowed as he concentrated harder, focusing on Cindy’s body.  He noted the higher temperature of her face and chest, and wanted to growl at the chilly skin of her torso.  Narrowing his thoughts, he envisioned the sickness within her as a cloudy mist, coursing through her limbs and core.
    Exhaling, he envisioned the mist parting, clinging to the inside of her skin.  She coughed, and he focused harder.  His arms began to tremble as he used his power to force the sickness to seep out of her body through her pores.
    Unsure if it was working, he focused his will, forcing the mist through her skin.  His focus was so intense that he no longer heard any sound outside their beating hearts and mingled breathing.
    Minutes passed as he envisioned the poison of sickness leaving her body.  Shifting, he noted that her stomach no longer felt icy and their bodies were slicked together with a fine sheet of perspiration.  It’s working!
    Elation soared, but he remained deep in concentration.  His mind swept through her body until no trace of the mist lingered.  When he was finally satisfied that he’d exorcised all the sickness, he opened his eyes and huffed out a huge breath before exhaustion claimed him.
    RedKnife woke slowly.  Stretching, he tensed when his+ body didn’t encounter the hard-packed Earth, but a soft bed.  His eyes snapped open, and he jerked upright.  Cindy was gone!
    Ripping the covers back, he didn’t bother snatching up his clothes as he raced for the front door.
    Hitting the living area, he slammed to a halt when Cindy smiled up at him from the couch.
    “Morning, sleepy head.”
    The sight of her up and smiling was such a relief that he had to swallow against the emotion that had him wanting to rush her and crush her to him.
    “I made breakfast a while ago, but I thought I’d let you sleep.”  She ducked her head sheepishly.  “I figured you were probably exhausted from staying up to watch over me.  Thanks for that.”
    He stepped into the living room.  “How are you feeling?”
    “Better.”  She smiled, then blushed when he came to stand over her.
    He knew his state of attire made her uncomfortable when she lowered her head, letting her gaze travel over his body.  He didn’t care.  He had to make sure.
    Squatting in front of her, which brought him to her eye level; he lifted a hand and laid it on her forehead.  The fever was gone.
    Dropping to kneel before her, he forced her back on the couch.  She squeaked when he lifted her shirt, and she fisted both sides trying to force it down.  “Hey,” she laughed uncomfortably.
    He slid a hand onto her belly and held it there.
    Cindy relaxed into the couch and sighed.  “I’m better, RedKnife.  Promise.”
    Turning her head, she eyed him with soft hazel eyes.
    Unable to stop himself, RedKnife rubbed his hand over her, enjoying her softness.  She tensed, then caught his hand.  “That tickles,” she giggled.
    Tickles.   He’d heard of this.  Humans had places on their bodies that, when touched, made them laugh.  How magical.   He loved Cindy’s smile, and the giggle that left her sounded so delightful that he found himself smiling with her.
    His hand smoothed over her belly again and she laughed.  He went to rub her again, but he’d lifted his hand and his fingers brushed over one of her breasts.  She inhaled sharply and stilled.  He did as well.
    Then it hit him.  The sweet aroma of her arousal wafted to him, hitting him

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