she’d realized that having him order her around was a mind fuck. He’d agreed. Lara realized that he knew what he was doing, what to say, how to act. This was part of the whole seduction, she realized, the part that made BDSM relationships different. Her previous boyfriend had just dragged her across his lap and started wailing on her buttocks. There’d been no discussion, no exquisite anticipation or demands for compliance. In contrast, everything Connor did heightened her arousal.
    Unhurriedly, she got into place and he drew up her dress.
    She bit her lower lip.
    “Your ass was made for a beating, Lara,” he said as he outlined the top part of her panties. “I’m going to take these off.”
    She closed her eyes.
    He drew her underwear down then tossed them on top of the bed. “Gorgeous. Now spread your legs as far as you can and turn your toes inward.”
    Lara found it impossible to breathe.
    “So lovely.”
    He rubbed her buttocks, light, then quick. Abruptly, he stopped.
    She was anticipating that he’d strike her then, but he didn’t. Instead, he slid a finger back and forth against her clit. Shocked, she drew her legs together.
    “Stay in position,” he warned.
    He’d moistened his finger before touching her, and since she was already a little damp, it only took a few seconds for her to become slick.
    She began to sway in response to his touch. It’d been a long time since she’d had sex and his touch aroused her quickly.
    Before she expected it, he entered.
    In response, she moaned. If this was punishment…
    He began to finger-fuck her. She rose up but was careful not to let her legs close. Then she felt him push his thumb against her clit. The pressure was unbearably wonderful. “Mmm,” she said.
    “Do you like this, my responsive little Lara?”
    “So, so much,” she said, feeling an orgasm beginning.
    But instead of driving her to completion, he pulled back then slapped her right buttock, hard.
    She yelped.
    Almost right away, the pain receded. Then it vanished when he pushed his finger back into her. The orgasm began to unfurl again. “Yes…”
    He kept one hand between her legs but slapped her left ass cheek with the other.
    The shocking sting added to the throbbing in her pussy.
    “Oh, yes,” he said. “Tell me what you want.”
    She shoved her pussy backward, wordlessly asking for more. “An orgasm.”
    “An orgasm, Sir ,” he coached.
    “Yes! An orgasm, Sir.”
    She locked her knees for a moment as she fought for rational thought. “Please. Please, may I have an orgasm? Sir?”
    “Have you earned it yet?” He spanked her right cheek again.
    The orgasm started to burn in her. “More. Please.”
    “Beg,” he told her.
    “Please, will you spank me? Please will you give me an orgasm, Sir?”
    “Absolutely perfect responses, little Lara,” he approved.
    He smacked her left cheek, and he kept the punishment going, slapping the right side of her ass five times in quick succession before moving back to the left. “I…”
    “Come when you’re ready,” he said.
    He continued to rain the blows on her bare skin, and the climax gathered force.
    “I want your juices all over me,” he told her.
    His words, the small amount of pain, the way he ground his thumb against her, the speed with which he fingered her all combined to make her thighs tremble.
    She cried out, choking on a sob as she thrust her hips back, demanding he go deeper, harder, and he gave her what she needed.
    The orgasm plowed into her with a force she’d never experienced. She screamed out his name as she came, her pussy clenching.
    He stayed there, saying things quietly, words that were so far away that she couldn’t make them out.
    It took her a long time to return to reality and start breathing normally again.
    Eventually he moved, picking her up, then he turned to sit on the bench with her on his lap.
    Lara rested her cheek on his chest while he stroked her hair, brushing back her confounding,

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