Redemption (Forgiven Series)

Redemption (Forgiven Series) by Rebecca Brooke

Book: Redemption (Forgiven Series) by Rebecca Brooke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebecca Brooke
Tags: Contemporary
body react in a way that Sara hadn’t. I saw her talking to some guy at the bar and every inch of me wanted to go and beat the living shit out of him. Who did he think he was talking to my girl?
    My girl? Whoa, where the hell did that come from?
    I shook my head as I continued to dance with Sara. I was here to forget her . I was never with a girl more than once, and Lauren wasn’t going to change that.
    Deciding to stay on the dance floor and continue with my plan to try and forget about Lauren, I allowed my hands to roam all over Sara’s body. The movements were so similar though that it was impossible not to remember how Lauren’s naked skin felt beneath my fingertips. When we were both good and sweaty from the heat of the dance floor, I leaned down and whispered Sara’s her ear, “Want to grab that drink now?”
    I felt her shiver and nod her head so I grabbed her hand and started towards the bar. But Sara had other plans. She pulled me in the direction of the bathrooms and once we were farther down the hallway, she pushed up against me and leaned her lips towards my ear. “Forget the drinks for now… I think it’s time you kissed me.”
    Pulling back, I looked down into her blue eyes, which were full of desire. Rising up on to her tiptoes she crushed her lips to mine. Certain that I was not in the mood to be caught making out near the bathrooms, I pulled away, and took her hand in mine, leading her toward the front door. Stepping out into the cool night air, we started to make our way to the parking lot. I stopped to let a car pass, and was shocked when my eyes collided with Lauren’s. Her face was pale, but even in the dull light of the parking lot her eyes glistened. The car kept moving and not once did Lauren look back.
    When I didn’t move from my spot, Sara took over and guided me in the direction of her car. Once again her lips connected with mine. At first I was as into the kiss as she was but when she slipped her tongue between my lips and tangled with mine there was a problem. I didn’t feel anything. Instead, my mind kept flashing back to Lauren, sitting in the car about to cry.
    The realization hit me like a freight train. Placing my hands on Sara’s shoulders I gently pushed her away. She looked at me confused and I couldn’t blame her. I was just as confused. What the hell was wrong with me?
    “I’m sorry, I can’t do this,” I apologized as I turned to walk away.
    “What do you mean you can’t do this?”
    I sighed, realizing what an asshole I was going to sound like. Since when did I start caring about pissing a chick off? It wasn’t like I hadn’t done that plenty of times when I’d kicked them out of my bed. The difference was this time I was doing it because of another woman.
    I looked down at her hand on my arm and then back up to her eyes. “Look, I think you’re sexy as hell, and normally we’d already be on our way back to one of our places for a quick fuck,” I ran a hand through my hair, “but I can’t get another girl out of my mind and for the first time in my life, I feel like a total asshole for trying to get into your pants. So, no, I can’t do this.”
    She pulled her hand away from my arm like I burned her. “Jerk,” she cursed, giving me a slight shove before storming away.
    Walking back inside, I realized I needed to think about what I was doing before I went looking for Lauren. Never before in my life had I wanted to see someone again, even if the sex had been mind blowing. But there was something different about her. I wasn’t sure what it was but I knew I wanted more. Not knowing exactly what I was going to say to her, I moved slowly down the hall towards the tables in the back. It was easy to spot Andrew and Nick sitting with Emily. I needed answers, and I knew she would have them. That jerk she was dancing with better not have done anything to her. My temper got the best of me and I stormed over to the table.
    “Where did Lauren go?”
    Emily’s eyes

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