Red Moon

Red Moon by Elizabeth Kelly

Book: Red Moon by Elizabeth Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Kelly
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    “I’m sorry Laura.  I’m not a witch.  I know of no
spells or potions that will help you win Leo’s love.  Have you tried
talking with him?”
    Laura had sighed. “Yes.  We do nothing but talk. 
I have tried to make it perfectly clear that I am interested in him but so
far….”  She trailed off looking miserably at Avery.  “Are you sure
you’re not a witch?”
    “Positive.”  Avery had said dryly.
    “Mrs. Lanning says only a witch could heal Marshall the way
you did.  She says you healed him to try and win favor with Lord Tristan,
to get him to lower his guard so that you could burn us all in our beds.”
    Avery had rolled her eyes.  “Lycans have healing
powers.  I did nothing but help keep Marshall warm while his body healed
    Laura had looked at her doubtfully but let it drop.
    “For the gods sake witch, could you be any slower.”
 Renee grumbled at her as Avery eased by her and dumped the load of wood
into the box next to the door.   She cuffed her on the back of the
    Avery suddenly turned and shoved Renee against the door.
 “Call me witch one more time and you’ll regret it.”  She snarled.
    Renee blanched, her mouth dropping open with fear before she
pushed herself away from Avery.  “I’m telling Mrs. Lanning.”  She
warned shakily.
    “Go ahead.”  Avery replied wearily.  She turned
and headed to her room in the slave quarters.
    Her room was small, barely the size of a closet, at the very
back of the slave quarters.  It had no fireplace to keep it warm and no
bed, only a thin blanket on the floor.  She sat cross-legged on the
blanket and carefully picked the large splinter from her hand.  Despite
her care, the wound began to bleed.  She stared at her hand for a moment,
frowning when it didn’t heal.  She rubbed her face wearily.  She
should not be surprised that she wasn’t healing.  Her healing powers had
always worked best when she was well-rested and had access to healthy
people.  She had gotten very little sleep since that night in Tristan’s
bed, and shoving Renee today had been the first time she had touched a person
since the morning Maya had left. 
    She was tired and her body ached so badly she wanted to
cry.  She sniffed back the tears.  In her entire life she had never
felt as tired and sick as she did now.  Her healing powers had never let
her get so much as a cold and now, sleep deprived and miserably lonely, she was
having a hard time adjusting to the weariness and pain her body was feeling.
    She was just about to wrap the blanket around herself and
lie on the cold floor when the door to her room burst open.  Mrs. Lanning
stood in the doorway glaring at her.  Avery glanced at the short, thick
stick she carried in her hand and stood.
    “Did you threaten Renee?”  Mrs. Lanning asked quietly.
    “No.  I simply asked her not to refer to me as a witch
any longer.”  Avery replied.
    “Do not lie to me.  You shoved her and threatened her.”
 Mrs. Lanning took a step into the room and Avery straightened her back.
    “She should learn not to call me names then.”
    “I am the head of this household, and I will not tolerate
anyone threatening or hurting a member of my staff.  You need to be
punished.  Turn around and take off your shirt.”  Mrs. Lanning said
    “Come anywhere near me with that stick, and I’ll use it to
beat your face in.”  Avery said calmly.
    Mrs. Lanning paled and then sneered at her.  “And what
do you think will happen to you when the Lord Tristan comes back to find me
beaten?  I have been with him for many years.  You’re nothing but a
Red whore who cannot be trusted.”
    “I don’t care what happens to me.  You’re not touching
me with that stick.”  Avery spat at her.
    “It won’t just be you.”  Mrs. Lanning took another step
forward.  “I’ll make sure your darling baby sister burns at the stake
beside you.  I promise you that.”
    Avery paled at the

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