Red Hot
on my way out
the other day?”
    “Uh uh.” Rhian rubbed a hand over her eyes
and sniffed loudly. “Look, it wasn’t for me okay. It was for him. He has this
thing about his glasses. I think he looks cute with them but he hates them.”
She stormed over to the window and looked out. “I want him to feel good about
himself. Is that so bad?”
    “You don’t need me to answer that and you
bloody well know it. What do you think Gram would have said about it?”
    Rhian turned back to May. She wanted the
best for Red but she knew deep down she had taken a liberty casting spells on
his body without permission. Not that she thought she would get it anyway but
she had hoped, and tried to ignore the very real possibility he would be pissed
off with her.
    “I know what she would say but then again,
she always wanted me to be happy. Why do you think she gave me this place?”
Rhian ran her hands through her hair, tugging at the long locks. “It was one
little spell, for goodness sake. I didn’t cast a love spell or anything, just a
little tiny spell to help his eyesight.”
    “Which you know is totally wrong, no matter
how small it was.” May shook her head and took a seat at her desk, slamming her
hands on the top. “I understand why you would do it but honestly I thought you
were the last person who would use magic like that. If you are so keen to throw
around spells, how about a seriously hot guy for me.” She shot a glance in
Rhian’s direction. “Yeah, I thought as much. Well, you have to live with it
now, girl.”
    “I know but I couldn’t help myself. He is
so vulnerable and sweet.”
    The door opened and their first patient had
arrived. Putting on her professional smile, Rhian led them to the examination
room and began her day. She barely had time for more than a quick cup of coffee
for lunch as the animals were brought in for her attention.
    “There, there pet.” Rhian calmed a small
dog that had tried to jump a fence and caught itself on the wire. A tear under
its belly needed to be stitched and the owner was fretting more than the dog.
    “Sorry, Rhian, to interrupt but Red called
and wants a couple of seconds of your time if it's at all possible.” May raised
her eyebrows, giving Rhian a dark look and handed her the phone.
    “Excuse me just a moment please.” She
turned away from her patient and its owner. She grasped the phone and walked
out into the reception area, May right behind her with her ears pricked up
listening. “Red. Hi.”
    She listened to his voice on the other end
and smiled to herself. It was wonderful he was calling her. She’d intended
calling him today, but the clinic had been far too busy. That hollow guilty
feeling about the spell and how he would react left a knot in her stomach.
    “My handsome man, how are you this fine
day?” She turned and gazed out the window while his voice soothed her busy
mind. “That would be lovely, sure. A picnic sounds great. How about I meet you
at your place though? It's kind of hectic here today and I'm not too sure what
time I'll be finished.” She turned and looked over at May who made no attempt
to pretend she wasn’t eavesdropping on the conversation. “Sure, I know where
that is. I have plenty of food in the fridge so I can manage that, you don't
need to shop. No, honestly Red it’s fine.” She turned away and hid the smile
she knew was breaking out. “Later then, bye.”
    She handed the phone to May and walked back
to her patient, not giving her friend time to ask. Rhian knew she would be
grilled later but for now Red and the details of their date was hers. “Now then,
little pet, let's get you sedated and then I can stitch this up.” She ran her
hand over the small dog’s head soothingly
    “I think you can go home for a few hours,
Mr. Nicholls. We’ll give you a call later this afternoon when she wakes up.”
Rhian patted the elderly man on the arm and called May to see him to the door.
“She's going to be fine, just a few

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