Red Hot
her body needed to shut down and
    That was not going to happen. She had to
open the surgery in a couple of hours so a short nap followed by a hot shower
to wake her up was all that was possible this morning. But it was worth it. She
had put her magic out there and now it was up to the universe to bring it into
    “Blessed be, Mother for letting me have the
skills to bring your greatest gifts. Thanks be, for the memories you gave me
and the man you have shown me. Blessed be your gifts that will find their way
to his body and make him whole.”
    Rhian blew out the candles and put a cover
over her cauldron. She turned toward her bedroom dragging her feet. The sun was
rising over the bay and she sighed. Why couldn't the timing have been
    She threw back the covers on her bed and
set the alarm before sinking into a deep sleep.
    Nero was kneading her chest when the noise
screamed in her ears. She threw her arm out, groping for the loud alarm.
Hitting it on the top she rubbed her eyes and looked at the cat. “I think
that's quite enough of that, don't you?” He looked at her, his green eyes
locked on hers. “It's done, as well you know. You must have had second thoughts
as you're sitting here on my body. He is worth it, Nero. You'll see.”
    She pushed her familiar from her chest and
rolled out of bed. Stumbling to the bathroom, Rhian turned on the shower and
shrugged off her nightgown. She put her face directly under the warm stream of
water, willing her body to wake up. The warm water soothed her and she noticed
her headache was now just a dull throb an aspirin would take care of.
    Rhian quickly soaped herself, wishing she
had the time to soak her tiredness away. She scrubbed her body and did her
usual shower routine before flicking off the tap. Stepping out of the shower,
she reached for a bath towel and wrapped herself in it. Looking into the
mirror, she ran her fingertips under the shadows around her eyes. Sighing she
reached for her moisturizer before going back to her bedroom to dress. Nero
still sat where she had left him. He watched her every move and when she walked
out to the kitchen, he wound in between her legs as he purred for his
    Rhian fed him first and turned on the
coffee pot before she made a bottle for Bambi. When he was fed she made toast
and stood at the kitchen counter and looked out over the bay as the town slowly
came to life.
    She poured another mug of coffee, and then
she walked into her surgery to look at the bookings for the day. Nothing too
demanding on the cards but one could never tell how the day would unfold. The
clinic had a way of getting busy when you least expected it. She had everything
ready for the first patient before May walked through the door.
    She leaned her butt on the edge of the desk
as May put her purse away and turned on the computer.
    When she had everything straight and ready
for the day she turned to Rhian. “Okay, spill. I know you’ve been up to
something. I can tell by the look in your eye.”
    Rhian looked down at her feet, hoping the
heat travelling up her cheeks wasn’t visible.
    “Oh come on, tell me. You’ve been using
your magic haven’t you? You have that glow on your skin you always get when
play with spells. What have you done, Rhian?”
    May came and stood before her, hands on
hips. Rhian smiled at her but it came off wobbly. The realization of what she
had done was hitting her now. The tears welled in the corner of her eyes and
May’s face went through a series of changes.
    “You didn’t use a spell on someone without
their permission did you?”
    “Yes.” Her voice came out as a small squeak.
    “Oh my fucking God. If your grandmother was
here she would have you. Rhian, how could you? You know your magic has to be
treated with respect. Fuck’s sake, I heard that enough when we were growing up
and I wanted you to give me something I couldn’t have. Who did you use it on?”
    “Is that the hunk I passed

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