Red Hats

Red Hats by Damon Wayans

Book: Red Hats by Damon Wayans Read Free Book Online
Authors: Damon Wayans
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little seminar for the Red Hats. They would get together once a month with a lawyer to discuss any legal advice the sisters might need. Dee felt this would be a good opportunity for Alma to get advice regarding her insurance claim. They would serve tea and sandwiches for the ladies and a guest, which was the reason they were now in the supermarket shopping.
    “Maybe we should get some pies for a little dessert afterward,” Dee said.
    “I’m not that big on sweets, and I don’t think you should be, either. Let’s just get what we came here for. I’m not trying to tell you how to live your life, but I wouldn’t feel right if I didn’t speak my mind. I’m not going to help you do anything that’s bad for you. Sorry, but that’s just the way I am,” Alma stated.
    “You’re right, sweets is the last thing I need. My sugar was up to six hundred last night before I finally got to sleep.”
    “I don’t know what that means, but it sounds high.”
    “Seventy to one hundred fifty is supposed to be normal,” Dee confided.
    “Hello, ladies!”
    Alma looked up to see James standing in front of her with the biggest smile she’d ever seen on a straight man. He smiled so big it made her smile, too.
    “You look absolutely beautiful, Alma.”
    “Thank you,” Alma said as she primped her hair, not knowing what else to do with her nervous hands.
    “And so do you, Dee.”
    “Don’t lie to me, James! Stevie Wonder could see who you are looking at,” Dee joked.
    “I’m so sorry to hear about your misfortune,” James said to Alma. “I hope and pray that everything works out for you. If there’s anything I can do, please don’t hesitate to ask.”
    “Thank you, but God will provide. Dee is taking great care of me right now,” Alma said.
    “Dee is a wonderful woman. They don’t make them like her anymore.”
    James flashed his million-dollar smile as he carried the ladies’ packages home for them. Alma felt a slight bounce in her step as she walked alongside him. She nearly bumped into several parking meters on the way, trying not to get tooclose to this man who was pulling her out of her comfortable orbit.
What a strong, gentle man
, she thought, as he carried the groceries, climbing the steps with the ease of a gazelle. Dee kept nudging her behind his back, indicating how cute he was. Alma felt like a teenage girl in high school.
    When James left, Alma’s heart slowed to its normal pace. She tried to be indifferent, but it was hard to pull off. Dee offered her information, knowing that Alma was too proud and private to ask for it.
    “You know he lives right across the street from here. You can see his house from my window,” Dee confided.
    “Really? He’s such a flirt. I’m sure he has all the women he can handle. So, what do you want me to make first?” Alma changed the subject.
    “You can make the sandwiches, and I’ll put on the coffee and boil the water for tea.”
    Alma’s mind was racing with images of James and her dancing together, the smell of the glove, and that smile. Damn, he had a beautiful smile. She stared out at the windows on the buildings across from her, trying to figure out which one was his.
    The Red Hats
began to arrive. It took only three of them for the place to come alive with laughter and lots of chatter. By the time all twelve of the Red Hats arrived, the place was so loud you could hardly hear the doorbell ringing.Alma was closest to it and offered to see who was on the other side.
    “Hello,” said James, who was now dressed in a business suit.
    “Look, I don’t think it is appropriate for you to be coming by here to pursue me,” Alma said sternly.
    “Neither do I,” James said as he walked past her. “I’m here for the seminar.”
    “What do you mean?”
    “I guess Dee didn’t tell you. I’m the lawyer. Don’t worry, I’ll pursue you some other time.”
    Alma stood there with the door open, stunned silent.
    Damn, I feel stupid. Maybe I should just run out

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