Rebel on the Run
it was too much to bear looking at him as she confessed. “I’ve pretty much explored on my own. With vibrators and stuff, you know. But…with a guy? Yeah, it’s more trouble than it’s worth. The awkwardness, the pretending it’s great, the ego stroking. Eh, I can get myself off in a fraction of the time and go about my day on my own. A much better plan, I think.”
    Bryce nearly choked on his tongue. “You were engaged. How could you agree to marry a man you weren’t passionate about?”
    “Uh, well, I think we both know a guy like Montgomery only wanted me as a trophy.” She huffed out a sigh. “He probably had some side action for sport. When we made love, he was…so damn polite. I never could lose myself in the moment. Heck, it was more like asking someone to pass the salt at the dinner table when you really want to pour on a gallon of hot sauce, you know? I tried to be adventurous, but he was vanilla to the core. And that didn’t do it for me. So I quit pushing for more and took care of myself. I could see us being one of those couples, like people in a ’50s TV show who have separate beds.”
    Bryce figured that was a fate worse than death. Freezing yourself in a cold partnership when there were so many amazing ways to blaze. The Hot Rods had shown him that. He could think of only one reason Kaelyn would settle. “You were scared to look for better, weren’t you?”
    Tears glistened in her eyes. “I guess. I know what it’s like to lose a best friend. Someone who touches me deeply instead of skimming the surface. I couldn’t stand to be consumed by that kind of connection again. Montgomery was convenient. Practical. We might have built a pleasant life together if he’d been what he seemed, instead of my dad’s crony.” 
    Bryce couldn’t say he was sorry. The guy obviously hadn’t deserved to touch something as magnificent as her. Still… “Wow. Uh, Kaelyn, I think you should know that I’m thinking pretty dirty thoughts about you. And have been since the second I saw you in that field. Shit, since I was old enough to know what I could do with you. Vanilla’s a fine flavor, but I like a hell of a lot more variety than that alone. There’s a bunch of spice in my cabinet.”
    Somehow, admitting his lechery seemed to be the perfect thing. She dropped her hand and beamed over at him. “Seriously?”
    With a nod, he grabbed her fingers and slid them to the bulge in his sweats. “Is there really any doubt? I’m a card-carrying freak. And I love that you might be too.”
    “Bryce,” she murmured.
    And he knew she was going to torture him with whatever fell out of her pretty lips next. Because he wasn’t sure he could give her what she wanted without taking too much. Was he capable of being gentle enough for a princess like her, one who liked the idea of excitement without having experienced it?
    “Yeah, lady?” He manned up and promised himself he’d try.
    “I want you to be my first. Like my real first. You won’t hold back on me, right? I want sex. Super sex. Sweaty, passionate and fierce.” She licked her lips, driving him nuts. “Will you f-fuck me?”
    Even her stumble over the naughty word turned him on. Bryce took a deep breath and counted to ten so that he could give her time to change her mind. He didn’t want to pounce on her and ravish her like the brute he feared he might be instead of the charming prince she’d imagined him as.
    “Damn. Sorry. That was ridiculous of me to ask, wasn’t it?” She tugged the covers around her, as if anything could prevent him from doing as she requested. “Can we forget I—”
    “Hell no, we can’t.” He growled as he got to his hands and knees and stalked closer. Looming over her on straight-locked arms, he dropped down to nip her neck then worked toward her mouth. Her gasps and soft moans encouraged him as he settled over her.
    But part of him wanted to make it as dreamy as he could.
    Hell, it was her first real time, she deserved

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