Rebel Heart
truth of what she was saying, Shannon decided to ride out and see how Jase and Dink were faring on the fence, maybe even give them a hand. She was done with paperwork for the day. Time she delved into the more practical aspects about her ranch.
    Packing a jug of cold lemonade and several tin cups, Shannon cut up the rest of the gingerbread and went to saddle her horse.
    The sun blazed hot overhead, the air windy and dry. The sky was crystal clear, yet there was an odd unsettled feeling in the air. Would they have a storm? With the low humidity and the gusts of winds, she felt uneasy. Adjusting her hat to shade her eyes from the glare, she headed toward the section of the ranch Jase said they’d be working. She moved easily with the horse, knowing she rode well for someone who had only learned a few years earlier. While she’d never acquire the proficiency Jase displayed when working with Shadow, she knew she was more than adequate for the work her ranch entailed.
    She loved outdoor work. Riding gave her pleasure, as well as pride in her accomplishments. She’d participated in the last couple of roundups, moved portions of her herd from one grazing pasture to another, spent endless hours riding the perimeter checking on fencing. She enjoyed being outside, good weather or bad.
    In the distance she saw the dusty pickup truck and beyond that the two men working on the fencing. Riding slowly, anticipation began to build. She’d see him in another few moments. Recognizing that the shimmering feelings that rose when around him were only signs of an infatuation that would quickly fade once he’d left, she tried to ignore them.
    Maybe she should change her tactics and let herself enjoy the oddity of the sensations he inspired for the short time he would work at her ranch. Maybe she should take what he offered, knowing it was only temporary with nothing serious at the end.
    Could she do that?
    She urged her mount into a faster gait, anxious to see Jase again.
    Dink hammered in the clip while Jase pulled the strands of wire taut. In the hot afternoon air Jase had discarded his shirt. His muscles bulged as he stretched the wire. The ace bandages around his ribs stood out in stark contrast to the deep copper of his tanned chest. His cast was getting dirtier by the day.
    Shannon drew up near the truck and dismounted, ground hitching her horse.
    “Hi, I brought you guys a snack.” She yanked off her saddlebags and walked over to them.
    For a moment depression threatened. Two-thirds of her ranch hands were here, one old enough to be her grandfather, the other injured. It was a sad state of affairs when her ranch was reduced to such a crew.
    Shaking off the feeling, she pinned a smile on her face. At least they were working, for which she was grateful. And this was only a temporary situation. Once she had some working capital she’d be able to hire cowboys as needed.
    Once things turned around, she’d start building up her herd again.
    She forgot about her plans for the future as she became achingly aware of Jase. Fascinated by the raw essence of masculinity before her, she couldn’t resist skimming her glance across his broad shoulders, chancing a peek at his chest. Perspiration gleamed in the hot sun, the sheen coating his tanned skin like a warm, glistening polish. A drop formed near one male nipple, slithered slowly down. Captivated, Shannon stared, mesmerized, tracking it on its slow journey until it was absorbed by the ace bandages. She swallowed.
    “You’re a lifesaver,” Jase said easily, waiting for Dink to finish hammering the last fastener before turning to walk over to Shannon. He reseated his hat on his head, tipping it forward slightly as he stared at her.
    “You all right?” He reached out to brush his knuckles down her flushed cheek.
    Blinking to break the spell, Shannon nodded, turning to greet Dink with enthusiasm she hoped masked the thundering in her head.
    How could she gawk at the man like she’d never

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